#141: Someone messed with your kid

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You and Louis were in the school yard waiting to pick up Kiara when the bell rang and kids came flooding out the building. You had the baby on your arm and you bounced him around watching his eyes wander around the school yard.

"Let's see if we can find your sister." You smiled looking for a head of thick 4c curls. Your expression quickly changed when you found her and she was all pouty and in tears.

"Louis babe, go see what's wrong with her." You say nudging your husband.

"She's fine [Y/N]." He chuckled wrapping an arm around you. While you kept a close eye on her, you saw one of the older kids purposely knock her books out of her hands. You've never seen your daughters face so broken up.

"Is that what fine looks like to you Louis? Take the baby, I'll be back." You growled handing Bernie to him and walking over to Kiara like you had a purpose.

"Hey, little boy!" You yelled trying not to be too rough on someone else's kid. To be honest you just wanted to tear him up but you had to keep telling yourself that you weren't his mother.

"What's your name?" You asked him.

"Tony." He said with attitude in his

"What grade are you in, Tony?"

"5th. Why?"

"Tony, I'm Kiara's mom and she's only in 1st grade which means she's younger than you. I saw what you just did and that doesn't make me very happy. I should tell your mom that you're picking on someone who's younger than you." You threatened.

"Please don't tell my mom..." He said getting all nervous.

"Tell Kiara your sorry, and pick up her stuff." You say starting to get some bass in your voice.

"Sorry." He mumbled getting her stuff together and placing it in her hands.

"Kiara is a young lady. You don't ever be rude to a lady, do you understand?"

"Yes." He huffed. With that he ran off probably to tell his mom on you and you grabbed Kiara and gave her a hug.

"Next time if he messes with you, tell me or daddy ok?" You say taking her hand.

"Ok Mommy." She sighed walking next to you.

"Don't ever let anyone make you think they're better than you just because you're small. Understand?" She nodded wiping her tears and hugging you tightly.

"Let's go Kay, daddy and Bernie are waiting for us." You say taking her hand.


Since Zieyah was back from college for a while, you sent her to go pick up Nadene from school. You were glad that you could at least spend the one afternoon you had off work chillin out for once.

"And Zie, make sure she has all her stuff, and when your driving home, talk to her about her day. She loves to talk." You chuckled.

"I know mom. I've literally known Nadene her whole life." She laughed.

"Remember, she doesn't know you're here so it's gonna surprise her."

"Alright mom. I'll be back." Zieyah said heading out the door and driving up to Nadene's elementary school. When she arrived, she got out and kept an eye out for the 6 year old and she was no where to be found and that worried her. On the other end of the school yard, Zieyah saw a group of kids formed around a fight and when she looked closer, she saw her sister getting beat up on by another kid. She quickly went to go get Nadene and she was in tears.

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