#69: His parents don't like you

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You knew Jay absolutely despised you but being the good girlfriend that you were, you decided to accompany Louis to his Mom's house. He thought it was time to tell her about your recent engagement.

"Hey Mom! How are you?" He smiled hugging his mother.

"Hello Louis, and Hi...[Y/N]." She hesitated. Her facial expression immediately changed when she saw you.

"Would you two like to come in?" She asked trying to be nice to you.

"We'd love to." Louis answered for you. "Come on [Y/N]..." He whispered through clenched teeth at you as soon as his mom turned her back.

"Louis, can I have a word with you for a moment?" His mom asked. He sighed following her to the kitchen and you sat waiting for the shit talk to happen.

"Louis, I told you about bringing 'The help' into my house." She tried to whisper only to fail.

"Mum, that's my fiancé you're talking about, I don't see why you can't just love her. She's done nothing to you."

"Wait a minute...Fiancé? Are you out of your mind? Why do you wanna marry her?" She scoffed.

"Because I love her. I'm not going to let your opinion change that." He laughed in disbelief.

"What does she have to offer to you? It's not like her paycheck is big." She laughs. You had enough and decided to start getting smart. You popped into the kitchen making them both stare at you.

"No disrespect Jay, but I have a lot to offer your son starting with my love for him. I may not have a lot to offer him financially, but I take care of him in the bedroom and no other woman he's been with could satisfy those needs." You put Jay completely on hush mode and Louis left the kitchen laughing.

"[Y\N], I think it's time for us to go." He says trying to hold himself together. "It was nice seeing you Mum." He gave her a hug before dragging you out of the house and getting in the car.


"Dad come on, give her a chance. She's loving, caring, and she takes care of me. Hell, we both take care of each other." Liam explained to his father.

"Your father and I understand that you love her...we just think you can do better than her..." She sighs trying to be nicer about it.

"Mum, what do you mean, do better?" He said making air quotes.

"Think about it, do you really want your kids living off of food stamps Liam?" She whispered. His mouth fell agape in complete anger and surprise.

You noticed the Payne's were all in the kitchen talking. You decided to let curiosity kill the cat and figure out what they were talking about.

You went and put your ear up to the swinging door listening to the horrible things Liam's parents were saying about you. You smiled hearing Liam defend you.

"You know what Mum and Dad, I don't care whether she's good enough for you or not. She goes above and beyond good enough for me. I love you guys and all, but I could care less if she doesn't fit your standards. I love [Y/N] very much, but it's kind of sad that you don't feel how I feel about her." Once his speech was over he left and saw you standing outside the door.

"Hey baby...you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine. As long as I have you I'm just fine Liam." You smiled giving him a big hug.

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