#91: Co-workers (Zayn)

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You were sitting at your desk with your eyes glued to the computer, trying to finish up a statistical paper that you had nearly all the answers to when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." You say without even turning around to check who was at the door.

"Hey [Y/N]," you heard the familiar accent of your work friend, Zayn, and turned around.

"Hey, what can I do for ya?" You ask taking a moment to listen.

"Oh nothing right now. I just came to check up on you to make sure you were alright. It's weird for me and the whole rest of the office not hearing your voice all day..." He laughs.

"Oh, Shut up Zayn. You know I don't like taking work home with me when I got my little guy at home to take care of."

"...And you usually never do take your work home."

"Yeah, because all hours of the day I'm sitting my behind in this desk working hard on it." You say frustrated. You turned back around continuing your work."Isn't there something else you have to be doing other than pestering me?"

"No, I'm done for the day." He scoffs leaning against the desk and staring at a portrait taken of you and your son.

"That's your little man, huh?" He smiled.

"Yep. That's my little boo-boo." You giggled remembering when he was small enough to fit in your arms.

"How old is he now?"

"He turns 2 next month."

"Where's the husband?" He asked making your typing come to a pause.

You let out a heavy stressful sigh not even wanting to talk about it, but you trusted Zayn. "He's been gone for years." You say shaking your head.

"Is he a veteran?"

"Nah. He just left me to take care of my kid alone. Never once contacted me to ask about him or anything." You say almost laughing at how childish he was for that.

"Wow, I'm sorry."

"It's fine Zayn. Do you know if we have anymore stocks to check up on?" You ask changing the subject.

"Our stocks for the week were finished off yesterday..."

"Oh alright, just checking." You didn't bother turning to face him because you were too busy crying.

"Is there anything else you need from me Zayn?"

"No, I'm good. But if you need anything Just call my desk...Ok?" He asked half way out the door.

"Yep, got it." He shut the door behind him and you wiped your eyes and fixed yourself up because you knew your boss Daniel would be in at any minute to check up on your work ethic. Daniel coming in your office was the worst part of your whole day, and you'll see why in a minute. Your thoughts weren't lying either, he came in about 2 minutes later.

"Hey [Y/N], you almost finished with those statistics?" He asked rubbing your shoulder.

"Yeah..." You say politely shrugging him off. "Is there anything else you need done Daniel?"

"Oh no, not until tomorrow. All I'm gonna need you to do with those statistics, is print them out and give them to me before you clock out for the night." He explained.

"Then from their I'll give you tomorrow's assignments, [Y/N]." He smiled rubbing your thigh. You sighed impatiently hoping this wouldn't happen. He was always hitting on you and the whole office knew about it and it was the most embarrassing thing ever. Everyone thought you were a complete kiss ass, and that that was the explanation for him giving you the easier assignments but that wasn't it at all...he was just always trying to get some from you.

"Hey Daniel, sorry to interrupt, but can you come look at these boards for me real quick before I go?" You turned and saw Zayn and you were glad he showed up. He always covered for you when Daniel tried to get mushy with you.

"Alright sure. [Y/N] just come see me at my desk when you get them printed out." He says before leaving the room.

When they were gone you went and checked the hallway to be sure that it was clear.

"My Nigga." You whispered to yourself referring to Zayn. You still weren't excited about going to Daniels office though. That didn't get him away from you for good.

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