#82: Stalked (Louis)

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Interviewer: Wait, [Y/N], you mean to tell me that Louis Tomlinson actually stalked you? That seems a bit silly.

You: As silly as it sounds yes he did stalk me. I honestly didn't feel safe.

Interviewer: Whaaaat? Unsafe because of Louis Tomlinson? The guys a big softy he wouldn't hurt anyone.

You: Thats what he would want you to think....I honestly didn't think I was going to make it through that alive.

Interviewer: oh gosh, what happened? I've heard about this case on the news, but I never really looked too deeply into it. You mind telling us?

You: Not at all. It all started when I met him after he moved in to the neighborhood and we started seeing each other. I've heard things from my friend Sheena about what a weirdo he was, but I didn't listen to her, as far as I was concerned he was sweet, nice, kind, and he loved me back. But I don't think anything gets any weirder than what I experienced when Louis was still stalking me.

Interviewer: I hope you don't mind me asking, but on a scale of 1-10 how off did Louis seem when you first got together?"

You: When we first met he was fine. But 2-3 months into our relationship he was already talking about marriage and starting a family. That was a huge red flag for me, and at the mall he caught some guys staring at me, and he was just so pissed off that it didn't make any sense so I cut him off and ended it. The man was too obsessed.

Interviewer: Oh yeah that's a little too bazar.

You: Trust me, it gets more bazar from here...

••••••••••••9 Months earlier••••••••••••

Your P.O.V

You saw people coming in and out of the moving truck parked in front of the house next door all day long. There's been a ton of talk that someone famous was moving into the neighborhood but you highly doubted it. That is, until you saw flashing lights and heard the sound of cameras clicking. You peaked outside to see that Louis Tomlinson from One direction was moving in. You honestly don't didn't mind as long as this people outside of your house thing, wouldn't be going on all the time.

They were all gone by the time it was dark out and one of your best friends who lived a few houses over came to visit.

"Hey [Y/N]!" Your friend Sheena greets walking in.

"Hey what's going on? Did you hear the new neighbor is that Louis Tomlinson guy?" You asked.

"That's what I came to tell you about!!!" She squealed excited to tell you what happened.

"So I wanted to give him a little house warming gift to make him feel welcome, so I made him a pan of ziti and I walked it over to him and he thanked me for it and let me come in!!! But what I saw inside his house is what freaked me out a bit."

"Oh my gosh, what did you see?"

"Hey, all I can say is, he's got a thing for black girls."

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