#15: You're younger than him (Liam)

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You were 18 years old and Liam was 23 it didn't really bother you two, but it was your families you were mainly worried about. For you, it was especially your Mom. You didn't know what she would think of you dating a guy in his 20s. You were pretty close to your 20s so you were hoping it wouldn't matter. But today you wanted to confess your relationship to both of your families.

You started with Your Mom because your Mom was too hard headed. Your Mom had divorced your dad and he wasn't around much, but who were you to complain? You had your mother and you told her everything. Except about you and Liam, you didn't know how she would think of you yet.

You lived in your own apartment on another part of town so you had Liam pick you up. You anticipated the sound of him knocking on the door. You just wanted to get this whole thing over with so you and Liam could finally be happy together, that includes not having to hide your relationship anymore.
In about in hour when you were sunk into the big comfy chair in your living room watching old re runs of your childhood show "That's so raven", you heard Liam knocking. You quickly hopped up to open the door and smiled as soon as you saw him.

"Hey Babe," you giggled kissing him.

"Hey [Y/N], you ready?" He asks holding your hand.

"Yeah, let me grab my purse."

"You mean your entire life?" He corrected you.

"Shut up Liam." You laughed. You knew exactly what he was talking about. One time you told him to hold your purse while you guys hung out but it just had to be after church. You had your service notes in there, your bible, socks, flip flops, lotion, and yeah...he was right you basically had your life in your purse.
Once you went and got it you guys immediately left. You still had to go to Liam's Parents' house too. Once you got there, you gripped Liam's hand tightly out of nervousness.

"Hey [Y/N], it's alright. Everything will go smoothly." He says letting go to rub your back. He wraps an arm around you and walks with you to the front door of your Mom's flat, ringing the doorbell. He let go before your Mom could get to the door so he wouldn't give it away too fast. The burgundy door swung open and your Mom smiled in delight seeing you there.

"Hey [Y/N], how are you sweet baby? Give me a hug!" Before you can even move, your Mom grips you in that death grip type of hug.

"I'm good, I brought by someone that you need to meet. This is Liam." you say.

"Hi Mrs. [Y/last name], Liam Payne it is an honor to meet you." He holds out a hand to shake but your mother was a hugger. She looked right past his hand and squeezed him tightly.

"So what brings you two here?" Your mom asks.

"Oh um...Mommy Liam and I wanted to tell you something, can we talk inside?" You ask.

"Oh sure, sure, I just cooked lunch if you guys would like to talk over a bowl of Angel hair noodles with chicken and cheese." She says. Your Mom has always been a soul chef. She made that good stuff that no one could refuse.

"Sure, that would be nice Mommy." You smile excited to have some of her home cooking. She quickly whipped out 3 bowls and put the mixtures in it.

"Mrs. [Y/Lastname], would you like some help carrying that to the table?" Liam asks as your mom is about to pick up the food on a tray.

"No Liam it's fine, I'm not that old." She jokes.

"No really, I insist." Your mom gives in and hands the tray to Liam.

"What a gentleman." Your mom smiled. This was already running smoothly, you just knew your Mom would approve of Liam. All he's doing is being himself.

"So what did you guys want to talk about?" Your Mom asked stirring around her food.

"I'll start.." You say. "So Mommy, if I tell you promise you won't get mad." You started off.

"Oh I'll be fine, Just tell me." She laughs.

"So Liam and I are more than just friends...were dating."

"Aww I'm glad you told me. How long have you two been together?" She asked.

"Since I was 16."

"How come I never met Liam around then?" She asks.

"Because at the time Liam was 21, I met him through a friend and as we hung out more we liked each other more. I just hid our relationship from you because...of the age difference and now I'm realizing how dumb I am for hiding such a great person from My mother." You explain.

Your Mom sat for a moment. You didn't dare speak until she was ready to say something because you knew she was upset with you. The look on her face said it all.

"So [Y/N], this man is 5 years older than you...You loved him so much that you hid him from me?" She smiled at you and that lightened up the mood. You couldn't tell if that was her "I'm sincerely happy for you" smile or the "get ready for me to whoop your ass" smile.

"That is so sweet." She finished. She grabbed your hand from across the table and held it. "[Y/N], I've always told you that if you meet someone older than you just be honest with me. Five years of an age difference isn't that bad. Besides, Liam is handsome, he seems to care about you, he's a natural born gentleman, and you love him. I know you do. Your stank father is 8 years older than me, trust me a taste in older men is normal. It runs in the blood." You laughed because you didn't really like how your father had been treating your Mom the past couple years, and you knew what she meant. Liam just smiled because he didn't know whether it was appropriate or not.

"But anyway [Y/N], Thank you for confessing. And Liam, welcome to the family. You can call me Mom." She hugged him. You laughed at your Mom's shortness while she hugged your boyfriend.

"[Y/N], shut up and stop laughing. I'm 4'11 and a half feet tall." Liam chuckled at your Mom trying to get in your face.

"Both of yall get out." She laughed shoving you two out the door.
"Oh yeah and Liam, can I have a word with you before you go?" You got in the car and left Liam and your mom to talk in private.

Liam P.O.V

"Oh yeah and Liam, can I have a word with you before you go?" [Y/N]'s Mom asked. I turned to face her so I could listen to what she had to say.

"So Liam, I know you love my baby girl, but I'm just gonna give you some rules and regulations real quick...first of all keep in mind that if you guys ever break up or whatever the scenario is and she comes here crying, we're gonna have some problems. But you're a sweet guy, so that shouldn't be an issue."

"Yes Mom." I answered politely trying not to laugh.

"Also when yall get married, I'm expecting grandchildren," she puts her hands on her hips and you nodded.

"Now my last and final rule, take good care of [Y/N]. Before you guys dated she's gotten her feelings hurt a lot, and I can honestly say you've helped her learn to trust again. Also she's sensitive, and I know she can be a pain. She's my daughter, I raised her for 19 years." She laughed at me laughing and I just nodded in agreement. "You're with an amazing girl, so all I ask is that you treat her as such."

"Yes Mom, you can count on me to take care of her. [Y/N] is my entire world I could never hurt her. I hope you trust me when I say I love her. She's the best girl to ever come into my life." I explain.

"That's great Liam. I can already see how my grand babies are gonna look now. And they're gonna be mixed. So I can't wait for that, they're gonna be so cute." She says talking more to herself than me.

"Oh and I just wanted to say thanks for the support, [Y/N] was really scared to drop this news on you." I say ending down to hug her.

"You're welcome Liam." She smiled. "Oh and thanks for lunch, that was amazing what seasonings did you use?"

Just then [Y/N] rolled down her window and asked what we were talking about. "I think your girlfriend is ready to go, so I'll let you go Liam. It was nice meeting you." She laughs.

"It was nice to finally meet you, Mom." I smiled. As I'm about to walk away she stops me real quick.

"Oh yeah, and if you need the rubbers, you know where to find me." She smirked. I laughed walking to the car with [Y/N].

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