#153: BSM: You're Mute

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A/N: Just thought I'd try something new. I was watching this show about a kid with a mute disorder so it gave me a bit of inspiration. Enjoy. :)

LOUIS (Age 4)

"So [Y/N], how was your day at school?" Your older brother Louis asks. You shrugged your shoulders which convinced Louis it wasn't a very good day. The other kids in your class knew that you couldn't talk, but they always singled you out for it.

"You had a bad day?" You nodded your head yes and tears began to form in your eyes.

"It's alright [Y/N], come here bun." You wiped your eyes with your sleeve and sat in your big brother's lap.

"What happened? Did the other kids tease you again?" He asked and you nodded your head.

"Look [Y/N], the other kids don't understand how it is to live like you. They probably don't understand that you're late in learning speech and that's why they choose to pick at you because they know you're different from them. That doesn't make it ok though." He says stroking your thick curls.

"But you know what?" You blink up at him in response to show your listening.

"I think you're great no matter what you know why?" He chuckled making you smile. You knew where he was going with this.

"Because even when you can finally talk to us we'll always have our own secret language." You held up your hand for him to high five you and sure enough he did and gave you a hug.

"Don't ever let anyone make you feel like it's bad to be different because it's not. That's what makes you special." He says poking your nose.

LIAM (Age 17)

"Hey [Y/N], come here! I have some people you need to meet! And bring your white board!" Liam yelled for you up the steps. Liam invited Louis, Niall and Harry over to meet you since they've been begging to meet you for a while.

"Uh Liam...why does [Y/N] need a white board?" Niall asks worried.

"[Y/N] has a...condition." Liam says not quite sure how to explain.

"What kind of condition does she have autism?" Louis asks.

"No She has something else...it's called anarthria. She was diagnosed with it as a kid and it caused her to stay quiet. Permanently..."

"Wait so she's never talked before?" Harry asks.

"Never, not since she was three. She's still really cool if you sit down with her and let her write to you. Or if you text her." He smiled as you came walking down the steps.

"Hey [Y/N]. These are my bandmates. I'm sure you've heard of them before." Liam smiled as you wrote something down.

"Nice to meet you all...where's Zayn? ;)." Niall read aloud from off your board.

"Oh. Zayn quit the band a while ago." You erased and wrote down something new and showed it to the guys.

"He single?" Liam reads aloud making him and the other boys laugh.

"Sorry sis, he's taken." Liam says. You roll your eyes and go and sit on the couch making the guys laugh.

"You didn't tell us [Y/N] was so funny." Harry says as Liam and the other boys went to join you.

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