#58: First day of school (Liam)

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Note: I kind of made this pref a collaboration with Zayn and Niall, so I hope you guys like it.

"Look at my baby girl, all dressed for her first day of kindergarten!" You squealed taking another picture of Zieyah. Liam picked out her outfit and she looked so adorable.

"You excited Zieyah?" You ask her and she nods.

"Mommy, I'm not gonna know nobody there." She shrugs pouting.

"You'll make friends Zie, don't worry." You tell her crouching down to hug her. "Daddy needs to drop you off at school, I'll see you later ok?"

"Ok." She pouts giving you a hug.

"Come on Zieyah, I don't want you late for your big day!" Liam says excitedly taking her out to the car. He buckles her in noticing the sad look on her face and as hard as it was for him to do...he ignored it. She needed to learn to get over that manipulative stage. As soon as he got to the school with Zieyah she has a fit when she realizes Liam is leaving her there.

Liam gripped her up to the side and gave her that stern look. "Zieyah, I know you don't wanna go, but you need to knock it off...Now!" He says clenching his teeth.

"Fix your face, fix it now." He really wasn't playing games with her today. She started crying and rubbing her eyes and Liam tried not to give in to it.

"Zieyah, let's go." He holds out his hand for her and she steps back.

"Zieyah Rae, I'm not saying it again. Let's. Go." She doesn't move and she keeps crying.

"I-I don't want to go with you." She cried. His face dropped when he heard her say that.

"Come here baby, come here." He holds his arms out to her crouching down and she slowly goes to him.

"Tell me what's the problem Zieyah." He says sitting her on his knee.

"I don't wanna go in there." She points to the school. "Nobody won't like me and I'm not gonna have friends."

"Zieyah sweetheart, don't say that. You have to be positive, I know everyone is going to like you. You're always nice, you like to play with everybody, and you always share...trust me the other kids will like that." He tells her kissing her cheek.

"Is that all that's making you sad?" He asks and she looks right at him.

"Daddy, you hurt my feelings when you yell at me." She says sniffling.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm sorry." He chuckled. "You forgive me?" She shrugged at him as if to say 'I don't know'.

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?" He asks playfully tickling her. She starts to laughing her loud goofy laugh that starts to sound like yours.

"Gosh you're just like Mommy," he tells her. "Let's go and see who's in your class."

"He looked at her schedule and looked for her room number and cubby until he found it. He explained that her bag would go in the box with her previously taken picture on it and let her hang up her stuff.

"Alright, time to see who's here!!!" Liam whisper/yells getting her excited.

He opens the slightly cracked open door to see other parents there with their kids. Zieyah happily jumped up and down pointing to one specific table.

"Daddy, Daddy, look!!!" She smiled excitedly. Liam looked at the table and saw Niall with his daughter Naliyah, and Zayn with his son Zephaniah. The kids were really close with each other and always had play dates.

"Daddy, it's Seth and Liyah!!" She jumps up excitedly going to see her friends.

"Uncle Li, Hi!" Naliyah said coming around to hug him. Seth followed and went to hug him as well.

"Hey guys! You excited for school?" Liam chuckled. They both nodded and went to talk to Zieyah excited that they were in the same class.

"Hey mates." Liam says hugging them both. "I didn't know you were enrolling them here. What a surprise. Zieyah was just all bummed out because she thought she wouldn't have friends." Liam explained.

"Aww, really?" Niall asked looking at her.

"Zephaniah was acting funny too when he didn't see anyone he knew. When he saw Naliyah come in with Niall, his mood completely changed." Zayn said.

"As long as they're together that's all that matters." Niall chuckles watching them talk together.

"Notice how they're the only three ink spots in the room." Liam points out. They knew Zieyah and the other two got uncomfortable about that.

"Oh yeah true." Niall says while Zayn nods in agreement.

"What are we even waiting for?" Liam asks.

"One of the other parents told me we were waiting for the teacher to show up so she could introduce herself to us and the kids." Zayn explains. Just as Zayn speaks of her she comes in.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Kindergarten hallway, remember that your kids are in the Elephant room, which should say room A325 on your children's schedules. B325 is the kindergartener classroom across the hall but they are the Giraffe room. So try not to mix them up." She begins. "My name is Marie Dietz, but the children can call me Miss. Marie. Children, say 'Hi Miss Marie!' " she calls out to all the kids.

The kids all loudly say the phrase back to the teacher making Liam, Zayn, and Niall smile.

"So we will be teaching your kids basic literature like reading, and writing, and we will even teach them to write if they don't already know. They will also be taught numbers and addition and subtraction and whatever else is in the paper. I'm required to read this to the parents but I'm already running behind schedule and I'm pretty lazy," she says making the parents laugh. "So I'll let you get around to that in your own time." She laughs.

"But for now, I'd like to welcome your children to my class." She says. "Any questions?"

Liam raises his hand and asks about seating arrangements. He really wanted the kids to be sat together.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, thank you for reminding me, Mr...." She had to think and couldn't remember the name.

"Payne. Liam Payne, I'm Zieyah's father." He says.

"Oh yeah, Mr Payne. Thank you." She smiles making the parents laugh.

"So, I'm gonna come around with Note cards and tape for each table and you are going to write down your kids first and last names and that will be their assigned seats. Then I will call out roll so that I can map out the seating charts, and then parents will be free to leave." She explains. Once Marie came around with the tape and card he wrote down Zieyah's name and taped it to the table close to the center. Soon after role was taken and it was time for Liam to go.

"Alright Zieyah, Daddy is about to go ok?" He says to her and kisses her forehead.

"Daddy, I don't want you to leave." She pouts crossing her arms over her chest.

"Zie, your gonna have fun! You have your two best friends Seth and Naliyah here to play with you. Right?"


"So I want you to have fun ok?"

"Yes daddy." She nods her head.

"Now remember have good manners, listen to the teacher, and no fighting any of the other kids ok?" He chuckled making her smile.

"Ok Daddy." She hugged him and went back with the other kids.

"Bye guys, be good and have fun ok?" Niall said one last time to them.

"Bye Uncle Niall!" Said Zephaniah and Zieyah.

"Ok, bye daddy." Said Naliyah. After Liam, Zayn, and Niall all said their goodbyes to the kids they left and hung out with each other.

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