#136: BSM: You're a single Mom and he helps you

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LOUIS (Age 21)

It was around 3 ish in the afternoon and you were hitting the books so that you could finish up with your online school courses. Ever since you had your 4 month old daughter Gianna, it's been hard trying to juggle your education and accommodating her. Not to mention you've been totally lacking sleep. You had already completed a few of your courses but you still had work to be doing.

You heard Gianna wake up from her nap in a fit of cries. You let out a real stressful sigh and you just didn't have the heart to go pick her up. Just then someone knocked on the door all hard.

"What!?" You yelled.

"[Y/N], it's Louis." Your brother yelled through the door.

"Thank God." You mumbled going to let him in.

"Hey sis...Gosh you look terrible." He said hugging you.

"Wow thanks." You laughed.

"Why is Gianna crying?" He asked rushing to you and the baby's room with you following close behind him. The two of you peered into her crib and she stopped as soon as she saw you.

"Hey baby, Mommy's sorry." You say holding her.

"Let me see her." He says and you willingly handed her over.

"Hey cutie, you giving your mommy a hard time?" He smiled rocking her. She cooed back in response which made you smile.

"See [Y/N], I told you I speak baby." He said making you smile. The two of you went to go sit down in your messy living room.

"You know something [Y/N]?" Louis says bouncing the baby in his lap.

"You're a good mother, You know that?" He smiled.

"You think so?" You say looking up from your laptop.

"Of course. You're almost as good as me. I've watched you the past couple months, and I've noticed that no matter how difficult things get, you always manage to make the best of it. You always do what's best for little Gianna." He said giving you a hug.

"Thanks Louis, it means a lot to hear a fellow parent say that. I mean, It really is hard sometimes and it can be a little much for me." As much as you hated to admit it, you finally did.

"Parenting isn't supposed to be easy [Y/N], it's a trial. Sometimes you'll find yourself with your back against the wall, and sometimes you'll find yourself cheering yourself on. I promise you, it gets easier though. If you ever need anything, a babysitter, someone to pick up groceries I'm always here to help. Just call me." He said kissing Gianna's head.

"Thank you Louis. You the man." You say fist bumping.

LIAM (Age 19)

Your son Bryce was laid on his back staring up at the mobile Liam just bought him and you were just grateful that he was finally quiet. He was around a month old now so he was fairly new, and you were still struggling with getting used to having a baby around.

Both you and Liam for that matter, ever since you found out you were pregnant with Bryce, Liam let you come live with him since your parents didn't want you in their house. You typed away at your computer when you heard Liam knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in." Liam entered and smiled.

"Hey, is he sleep?" Liam asked.

"No, he's wide awake, but he needs to be sleep. I haven't been able to get him to sleep and I'm worried." You sigh rubbing your face. Just then you hear Bryce start to scream and that sent your pressure up even more.

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