#42: (¿?) You're both Virgins (Louis)

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You were always about morals, which included saving yourself for marriage. Louis was the same way. You guys recently left for your honey moon and you decided to spend it in Italy.

You guys had just gotten back from a romantic Italian dinner, and decided to look off the balcony of your private hotel room and gaze into the stars, and look deeply into the sleep deprived city.

"Louis, it's so nice out isn't it?" You asked leaning into him.

"Of course it is. How is Italy so far? Do you like it babe?" He chuckles.

"I, love it. It's so romantic." You gushed giggling at him hugging you from behind. "This has been an amazing honeymoon Louis."

"I can think of another way to make it amazing." He chuckles pushing you into him.

"Oh..." You whisper catching the drift. He closes the balcony door carrying you over to the big round bed and laying you down.

"Louis honey..." You try to interrupt.

"Shhh, I'll take care of you [Y/N]..." He hums into the crook of your neck sending chills down your spine.

"Louis, this is really important..." You say.

"What's the matter [Y/N]?" He asks with concern in his blue green eyes.

"I'm a virgin..." You whisper. 

"That's it [Y/N]?" He grinned. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about my love. I'm a virgin too..." He smiles.

"So what are we gon' do then if neither of us are experienced?" You laughed.

"We can start off with our usual and then, We can learn the actual thing together." He says. "Now let's try this again."

He slowly started to peel your dress off of you and you give him a lustful stare. His eyes scanned over your curves and grins loving what he sees so far. He took his own clothes off staying in his boxers, and leans down to kiss you so he can keep undressing you. You started to feel yourself getting aroused by this. It left a tingling sensation in your heat. You hummed in appreciation making Louis stare at you.

"You like this?" He chuckles rubbing circles into your sides. You vigorously nod and start panting. He trails kisses down your stomach and stops when he gets to your area. In a short amount of time he gets down and starts eating you into the next week. You had never felt pleasure better than what Louis was giving to you. He uses his tongue to make all kinds of funky patterns on your clit and hums into you sending vibrations through your body.

"Ugh, yes Louis..." You moan under your breath. He keeps doing it and slides two of his lean fingers into you. You toss your head back unable to sustain a non-aroused state, while he slowly fingers you.

"I think your ready." He teases. "You're so wet and smooth baby, you doin ok?" You nod wanting him to finish his assault on you.

He breathes up your stomach and chest after a few minutes looking up at you. You smile at Louis, covering yourself up with the blanket he gets under with you and continues to kiss you.

"You on birth control?" He whispers kissing your neck. You nod.

"Good, I want us to be able to feel every inch of each other." He eggs on. The dirty things he whispered in your ear egged you on more and more and Louis didn't even have to lay a finger on you.

"Alright," he grinned hovering over you. "You ready for the best part?"

"Isn't it supposed to be painful the first time?" You ask.

"I don't know...but I'm gonna go in slow Incase. Tell me if anything hurts and I'll stop." He says.

"Louis, you're still squishy..." You look down trying not to giggle. He's been the one pleasuring you the whole time.

"Mmm," you say liking the view of his dick near you. "Switch a with me babe."

You slowly push Louis down and straddle him over his torso, and you start to kiss and suck at spots on his neck. You started to gain arousal from just being able to be in control of him.

You slithered down his body, sloppily kissing all over him not wanting to stop. You finally reach his boxers and he's starting to go hard through the fabric.

"Let's take this off..." You whisper completely ripping off his boxers. You slowly rub your small hand up and down his shaft earning deep loud moans from him. You start to go down licking the tip of him and trying not to go any lower. You were still a beginner at this. Surprisingly Louis didn't rush you. His dick was standing tall before you and it really turned you on, and you didn't know what to do to satisfy both yourself and Louis.

He noticed you started to get sexually frustrated and he sits up and puts his fingers back in your folds to massage you. This gave you a little more encouragement to try again. You finally went all the way down on him and you licked and sucked him making him spank you and toss his head back.

"Yessss [Y/N], nobody else can make me feel this good baby." He pulls you off of him and lays you back, while covering the two of you up with the blankets.

"Do it Louis," you whine out to him starting to feel on yourself. He looks down and sees you doing it and moves your fingers out the way.

"Tell me if anything hurts baby, I'm going in." He pants slowly pushing himself into you.

"YESSS!!! Oh my gosh, yessss!" You cry out feeling no pain, only pleasure. It must have been all the foreplay you thought to yourself. You stare up at your new husband with squinted eyes only wanting him to start moving.

He finally cracks the code to your stare and passionately thrusts in and out of you, while kissing you, and touching at your breasts. He shifts over to hard deep thrusts, and that really did the trick for you. You were so close to reaching your climax. The look on your face said it all too.

"Let it go baby," he whispered into your ear. You started to get all sad because you didn't want it to be over. Eventually you let it all go and your legs trembled at his touch. Soon Louis reached his right after you. He collapsed next to you, pulling you over to him. He gripped and massaged your butt while you rested your head on him.

"So how was that for the first time?" He smiles kissing your head and looking down at you.

"It was amazing and it felt so good." You whine wishing you could relive the whole experience of giving yourself to him.

"You still feel like a virgin?" He chuckled.

"Nope." You smile with absolutely no shame. "Do you?" You ask.

"Definitely not." He laughs.

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