#168: Post-Partum depression

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You were in your bedroom feeding a sleeping Bernard when you heard footsteps running towards your room. It was your son and your daughter running into your room probably with another dispute. Lately you've been so annoyed with them and you couldn't understand why. It wasn't like you to be annoyed all the time.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Guess what Dorian did..." You sighed heavily and closed your eyes hoping Bernie wouldn't wake up.

"Mom, don't listen to Kiara! She's being a brat!" Dorian yells making Bernie jump in his sleep. That wasn't enough to wake him though.

"I AM NOT!" she yells. Before you knew it Bernard let out a small scared cry and all you could do was rub his back.

"Come on now, look what you two did! You woke up the baby!" You say starting to raise your voice. The bickering stopped and the two of them looked at you cowering in fear.

"We're sorry Mommy..." Kiara says as her bottom lip starts to tremble.

"Yeah Sorry Mom...we didn't mean to wake Bernie up..." Dorian says in agreement.

"Well sorry doesn't make up for the amount of sleep I lose from your brother being awake now does it? Go to your rooms!"

"But Mommy..."

"Now!" The two of them ran off and Louis appeared in the doorway.

"[Y/N], what's wrong with the kids..."

"Nothing's wrong with the kids...That was all me." You say feeling ashamed. Louis noticed the tears forming in your eyes and he came to comfort you.

"I've been so horrible to them lately Louis...I just wanna get better so that I can be the Mother I used to be." You sniffled rubbing your eyes to look at Bernard.

"Dorian and Kay hate me."

"Stop it, no they don't. You need to remember they still don't understand what's happening right now with your PPD. Sooner or later, you'll need to talk to them though. I'm sure they'll understand."

"I know. Can you take Bernie? I'm gonna go talk to them."

"Good choice [Y/N]. I know this is gonna be a tough conversation but they need to know. I'm proud that your finally doing this. It's been weeks."

"I'll do whatever it takes to make sure our kids are happy." You say before leaving the room.


Nadene was officially a full month old and everything in your life was perfect until she hit that milestone. Nae cried again that afternoon to be fed and you just weren't in any mood to tend to her. After a couple of minutes, her cries went from hunger cries to upset and angry cries.

You sighed and curled up in a ball on the couch and faced away from Nadene's bassinet. Soon enough Zieyah came down the steps quite shocked at what she saw.

"Mom...a-are you alright?" She asks you.

"I'm fine Zieyah."

"Are you sure? The baby is cry-"

"Yes Zie, I know Nadene is crying. She does it several times a day." You say not looking at Zieyah when you talked to her. You've been in a hostile mood for days now and everyone in the house was hip to your actions.

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