#07: You talk about him in an interview

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Interviewer: "So [Y/N], how long have you and Louis been together?"

You: "Almost 3 years now. I can really say Louis had given be the best 3 years of my life."

Interviewer: "How so?"

You: "Louis is such a sweet guy. He's always been there for me, he always has my back, and there's just so much more that I can barely put into words. That's why I love him."

Interviewer: "I'm guessing the two of you don't fight a lot?"

You: "Of course we fight. We don't argue as frequent as we used to but that's what makes a relationship hard. In my eyes, there should be no such thing as easy in a relationship, otherwise I wouldn't even call it that."

Interviewer: "I guess you made a good point. Louis must not be able to get enough of you if he stuck by you."

You: "If you love someone like Louis and I love each other that's how it's supposed to be. I've been through thick and thin with that man and I wouldn't give him if for anything in the world."


Interviewer: "So do you mind clearing up the marriage rumors for us?"

You: "Actually...the whole thing with us getting married isn't a rumor. We're engaged!"

Interviewer: "Congrats on the new engagement [Y/N]! Are you excited?"

You: "Excited doesn't even begin to cover how I'm feeling....I'm so happy that I get to be with Liam for the rest of my life!"

Interviewer: "What is Liam like?"

You: "He's like a cuddly teddy bear by day, and my personal body guard by night."

Interviewer: "I've heard Liam is a softie, so I can see where you get the teddy bear part from. I couldn't see him as a tough guy."

You: "Liam don't play when it comes to my safety....he doesn't like me going anywhere without him, he gets over protective when other men look at me, and don't even get me started on how he hates when I wear shorts and leggings in public...."

Interviewer: "He really doesn't like to share you with other people or their eyes."

You: He really doesn't...but he's not that guy that tells me what I can and can't wear, he's never like that. He just prefers that I wear things that won't draw the attention of other men.

Interviewer: "I can see where he's coming from."

You: "Yeah me too, so I try to keep it to a limit so he's not stressed out. Other than that he's a complete sweet heart and I can't wait to Marry him."


Interviewer: "Enough about your modeling career, how about that Niall Horan you've been seeing?"

You: "Niall is a great person. He has a lot of respect for me and women in general, and he never leaves me out of anything."

Interviewer: "Do you mind elaborating on that?"

You: "I've always been a shy person, and I'm nearly over it...either way he always does whatever he can to get me to hang out with him and his band mates."

Interviewer: "Aww that's sweet of him. How is it being a interracial couple?"

You: "Our families and friends are really supportive of us, but the fans don't like me very much."

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