#50: You get a pet (Liam)

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You and Liam have wanted a family dog for a while, so you decided to stop down at the animal shelter to take a look. You were pretty pumped to be getting a dog too. Liam wanted to get a dog that was protective of you and a dog that was child friendly, considering you had a baby on the way.

"Liam there's so much to choose from." You giggled. "They're all so adorable."

You personally liked big dogs because they were the biggest sweet hearts and it was so fun playing around and cuddling with them. Also they were loud...with a loud dog in the house you knew nobody would try to come up in the house.

"Liam look at this one!" You say speed walking over to the glass. He was a nice looking dog too and the description said he was just a puppy. He was pretty big for only a puppy.

"What's his name?" Liam asks.

"It says his name is Zeus, and he's a Doberman." You smile seeing the dog wag his stub at you.

"You want him?" Liam asks. You nod already in love with the dog.

"He's the one Liam. He looks like he belongs in our house, I mean look at him!" You whined. Zeus sat down panting and barking at you. It wasn't a defensive bark though.

"Back away from him," Liam says staring to get protective.

"Li, calm down he doesn't look like he would hurt a fly. Also why would he be wagging if he didn't like me huh?" You ask tilting your head. You squat down in front of the plexiglass like a child admiring how adorable the dog was.

"So you're certain you want this one?" Liam asks one last time.

"Positive. Now go get the leash from the car while I go tell the Manager were getting him." You smiled kissing him. You walked around to find the Manager, when you found him you pointed out Zeus and waited for Liam to get back with the leash.

As soon as Liam got back the Manager went to the back to let the dog out. As soon as he came around that corner he didn't even smell you to catch your scent, he immediately started loving on you.

"Hey Zeus, I'm excited to take you home!" You giggle scratching him behind the ear. "You're gonna love it at home with us!"

Liam couldn't help but chuckle at how happy you were. You guys went to fill out his pedigree papers and the work allowing him to go home with you and you finally got to take your dog home.

Liam wasn't a big fan of him at first, but once he really got to know the dog he loved that dog as much as you did.

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