#87: The birth of your child

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"Oh my gosh Louis, she needs to come out, like right now I can't take it anymore it hurts!" You yelled at him squeezing his hand to the point where it was almost purple.

"It's alright [Y/N], Dr. Martin will be here very soon. Now just calm dow-"

"Don't you DARE tell me to calm down Louis Tomlinson, this is your fault so no, it's not alright, and I'm not going to calm down!" You say getting in his face. You'd think any man would know better than to tell a woman to calm down. Louis just stood there and let you squeeze his hand, he didn't know what else to do besides be there for your moral support.

Just then the Doctor came into your hospital room and explained the procedure to you, and gave you your epidural. As soon as they gave it to you, you were nice and calm and Louis couldn't be happier. You went at least an hour and a half without yelling or cursing someone out.

"Ok [Y/N], you're starting to crown. When you feel pressure push with it, and I promise you that will make it so much easier." He told you.

"What does that mea- OHHHH MY GOSH!!!" That obviously didn't take long for you to figure out.

"Dr. Martin, I thought the epidural was supposed to make it stop hurting?" You whined tossing your head back.

"[Y/N], after I gave it to you, you were in labor for about a whole hour so it may be starting to wear off. I think you got this. Your little girl's head is so close to being out." Dr. Martin told you. You looked from the doctor to Louis with the most worried expression on your face.

"It's ok [Y/N], I got you. You're doing great, come on breathe with me...lets breath in...and out." He said doing it himself. You soon copied him and things ran smoothly from there.

"Ok now push [Y/N]! She's almost here, you have just a couple more pushes left." The doctor chimed getting ready to catch the baby. You pushed about two more times and you felt nothing happen and you were starting to get frustrated again.

"Louis is she out yet?" You asked panting as he wiped sweat from your head. He peaked over and smiled seeing his baby's head full of hair.

"Oh yeah, and she's got lots of hair." He chuckled.

"Lots of hair?" You say smiling.

"Lots of hair." He answered back.

You did one last big push and the baby was finally here. You immediately heard her loud cries and started crying yourself, glad that she was finally here. Louis went to cut the umbilical cord, and you started to get nervous at not knowing what was going on.

"Is my baby ok?" You sobbed.

"She's perfect." Louis said as tears rolled down his cheeks. They took her away to get cleaned up and so they could sew you up, and they brought her back to you in a short amount of time.

"Hi precious, we're so glad you're finally here." You say kissing her head.

"You're such a pretty girl." Louis added rubbing his thumb over her small hand.


"I said I want my husband!" You yelled thrashing out of the grip of several nurses.

"[Y/N], please start pushing. Your water broke 20 minutes ago. You seriously need to push Hun." The doctor tried to tell you in a soothing voice.

"No, I'm not pushing until my husband gets here." You cried rubbing your eyes.

"Mrs. Payne, we don't know where your husband is. We do know that you need to start pushing or it won't be good news for your baby." The doctor tried to explain. You were not trying to hear it. You just wanted Liam there.

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