#116: You have twins (Liam)

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You and Liam had two boys, Jordan And Bryan. They looked exactly like their father, smile and all. You loved your baby boys more than anything in the world and nothing could get between you and your sons. Liam knew not to mess with you when it came to your babies. Liam on the other hand always rambled onto them and wanted to teach them everything he knew regardless of whether they understand him or not. He loves the two of them so much and would do anything for his boys no matter the minute or the hour.

"Hey my boys, what are you doin?" You smiled seeing the two of them playing with the toys on their carriers. "Is daddy takin you out?"

Jordan looked at you and kicked his feet at you. You rubbed his little feet and looked at Bryan.

"Bryan..." You say making him look at you.

"Hey fat boy." You chuckle. He clapped his hands and smiled. Then Liam came in and smiled at you playing with the babies.

"Hey [Y/N]." You stood up and gave your husband a hug.

"Hey. Where you guys off to today Li?" You smile picking up Bryan's carrier.

"I'm gonna take them to the studio with me. Everyone's been begging to see them and I could use the company." He smiled grabbing Jordan's carrier.

"Oh ok. You have a bag packed?"

"Yep. And before you ask, there's plenty of everything." He smiled kissing your lips.

"Alright I believe you. You got the stroller?" You giggled.

"Already in the trunk." He says walking out to the car. You followed him out to the car and helped strap the boys in.

"Alright Liam, looks like you got everything under control. Have fun with the boys." You say giving him a kiss before saying bye to your boys. You headed into the house and Liam left for the studio.

He got the stroller out the trunk and went around getting the boys car seats clicked in to the stroller piece.

"Are we ready to head in boys?" Liam chuckled seeing his son's smiling faces. He pushed the boys around the parking lot making car engine noises and they hysterically laughed at their dad.

"Ok boys, settle down." Liam laughed at them cracking up. He pushed them up the hall to the usual suite and the boys were still laughing. When he entered the room everyone looked at him and he tried his best to hush the boys.

"How's everybody doing today? Good I hope." He smiled settling the boys down. Jordan started to cry and Liam picked him up and then not even a minute after Bryan started crying.

"Alright guys, you're ok calm down." He says rocking them back and forth.

"Aww what's got the little guys all upset?" Niall says grabbing Bryan from Liam.

"I have no idea, I don't think they ate. I don't remember [Y/N] feeding them." He sighs going in their bag for a jar of food. The two of them both got quiet when they saw their food.

"Mmm peas and carrots." Liam chuckled. "And Mommy made it. It should be good." The two boys giggled excited to be fed.

"Here just sit him in his car seat." He tells Niall putting Jordan down. Niall places Bryan next to Jordan and Liam puts their bibs on and opens up the container. He fed each boy a spoonful and smiled when they asked for more.

"Did [Y/N] try making the avocado and squash mix I told you about?" He chuckled.

"We haven't been to the supermarket. I'm sure she'll make it when she goes shopping." He chuckled.

"Ezrah loves it. You should see if the boys will like it." Niall laughs watching the boys eat.

"You don't have to worry about them liking things. They'll eat anything." Liam smiles at his sons.

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