#151: The Help (Zayn)

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You and Gigi worked alongside each other as Zayn Malik's maids for years, now to make a long story short, yes, He treated the two of you like absolute crap every minute you spent working for him. Whether it be harassment or blackmailing you, he was only happy if the two of you were miserable as hell. Not to mention you were forced to wear the skimpiest maid outfits on the planet. You had nothing to look forward to but your paid check and the cat calls you got from his various friends that always seemed to be in the house.

You'll never guess who got the most crap out of the two of you...That's right, you did.

"[Y/N]!" Zayn yelled. You rolled your eyes making your way to his lounge room where he and his acquaintances sat drinking.

"Yes Mr. Malik?" You say trying extra hard to keep the smile on your face.

"Can you bring out another case of beers from the walk in fridge darling?"

"As long as you never call me that again, yes."

"You'll go by whatever I call you or you don't get paid." He says standing you up and backing you into the nearest wall. Dude absolutely reeked of alcohol.

"Do you fucking understand me

"Yes Mr. Malik." You whispered.

"Excellent." He chuckled letting you go. On your way to Zayn's ridiculous sized fridge, you passed Gigi mopping the floors. As usual, she got the simple painless jobs and you knew why too. But let's just say you weren't going to pull the race card right in that moment. That would be for another time.

"What's wrong [Y/N]? Did the pimp beat you around?" She teased.

"Shut the hell up. I'll put glass in your food and his." You say making your way to the kitchen. You quickly grabbed the beers and walked a different way to avoid Gigi.

"Come on [Y/N], if there's one thing we can agree on it's that we look ridiculous in these outfits." She says trying to lighten you up.

"Since when have you cared about agreeing with me? You kiss Zayn's ass that's why he don't care what you do. It's always what I do wrong."

"Well you can't blame him, you'll never be anything more than a fake, black..."

"Bitch go ahead and Finish that sentence and watch me break one of these bottles an make ya neck smile." You threatened. That shut her right up. At times, girl didn't dare to try and test you.

You dropped off the beer to Zayn and you heard your name being called again.

"Yes Mr. Malik?" You sighed making sure he could actually see your evident eye rolling.

"My friends are bored. I don't think you need any further explanation."

"Gigi is down the hall. I don't entertain sir." You say folding your arms.

"You've done it before, than you can do it again. You're especially gonna do it if I tell you do it." He said making his jaw tighten. You sighed and did your usual 'routine' and left absolutely feeling sick to your stomach. His other friend sat staring at you in absolute pity and you couldn't wait for it to be over with.

"Pigs...I can't stand this place." You mumbled heading to the kitchen to start on Zayn's scheduled lunch. If there's one thing Zayn liked more about you than Gigi, it was your cooking and he loved that you could cook a decent meal.

You started by sautéing onions and peppers in a pan and cooking up ground turkey and some rice in a completely separate pot and pan. Once the food was done you combined it together and put it all in a bowl with a fruit as a side. Since he had guests you decided to make extra.

"Hey guys, here's lunch." You say giving each of them a bowl.

"Thank you [Y/N]. You made my favorite too?"

"Don't mention it." You say leaving to head to your designated room. It wasn't the best, but you had a bed to sleep on and Zayn had new clothes put in your wardrobe monthly so you didn't dare complain. It was better than where you were living before Zayn so that gave you more reasons never to complain about your living conditions.

You spent about an hour on your phone before you heard a knock on your door. Now, Gigi's ass knew better than to even try and come in your room whether you were in it or not. Being in your room was your only escape from the torment you received from both Zayn and Gigi. How dare she try and get between you and your alone time.

You went and opened the door and you were extremely shocked to see Zayn's friend, Louis was it?


"Hey [Y/N], good to see you again. Listen, can I have a word with you?"


"About your job." He says with a concerned look on his face.

"My 'job' doesn't permit me to answer questions about what goes on in the house...soooo..."

"Come on [Y/N], tell me honestly, do you actually think you would follow through with being sworn to secrecy?"

"Ok...come in." You let Louis in and he looked around the medium sized room not sure of what to ask about first.

"So you and Gigi live here?"

"Yup. We started doing his house keeping around 6 years ago, and started living with him 4 years ago. He did that so I wouldn't feel embarrassed I guess."

"What would you have to be embarrassed about that Gigi doesn't?" He asks.

"Well I kind of went from rags to riches in a way if you know what I mean. I had nothing before I came here. Once I was offered the job and started getting paid, I actually felt like I had something. So Zayn at first asked me to come live with him, Gigi got suspicious and I think you can piece together the rest of the puzzle." You explain.

"Oh. So...why do you let Zayn push you around like that?"

"I have to or he's gonna throw me back out on the streets where I belong." You whisper.

"[Y/N], you don't have to live like this just to make some quick money. That's really the whole point of why I wanted to have this talk."

"Well Louis, I don't know what you want me to do. I've been living my life the same for 4 years. If I'm not worried about it, you shouldn't be." You defend.

"[Y/N], I see you all the time in the shadows. You fucking hate it here I know it." You looked down at the floor clutching your sinuses knowing He was right. You couldn't stand watching him treat Gigi better than you. If you were being honest, being in this place set you on fire.

"So...I have an offer for you..."

"I'm listening..." you sigh. Louis took your brown hands in his pale ones and looked you in the eyes.

"How would you like to come work for me as 'MY' house keeper?" He asked.

"I don't know Louis...I-I..."

"I can have a room put aside for you, you won't have to wear these ridiculous looking outfits, and I'll make you feel like family. Not an object." He smiled. It all sounded intriguing and you would take that opportunity in a heartbeat, but what would you do about Zayn? You decided you'd worry about Zayn Later.

"Louis...I think you'll have to take you up on that. I'm in." You smiled.

"Like hell you are..." you turned and saw Zayn standing behind you and you were pretty sure you were going to be dancing in black and blue in a minute.

"Oh God..."

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