#174: You make up

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(Coincides with "He hits you")


Your life wasn't the same after Louis caused you to miscarry your child. You couldn't even look at that man in his face or listen to his voice, the only way you thought was an acceptable way to contact him was through text, email and mail. You refused to physically talk to him for over a year.

As soon as possible after the incident you filed for divorce and you only needed one more signature from him before you turned it in to the courthouse to finalize it and he agreed to sign off on it. This required you to be up close and personal with him and damn, were you nervous.

You pulled up in front of this mysterious place you used to call home and slowly walked up to the door. 'Just get him to sign the paper and you'll be on your way' you thought to yourself. You frantically knocked on the front door and waited. Within minutes your soon to be ex husband appeared on the door step with his son on his arm.

It wasn't the baby's fault that you felt how you did about him, but you couldn't stand to see him after how Louis denied what could have been your child and accepted this one.

"Hello [Y/N], you look great." He compliments.

"Sign the paper please. The courthouse closes in an hour and a half." You say completely disregarding the comment. Louis looked horrible. You could see the guilt all over his face, it had to have been eating him alive.

With no more further comments, you handed him the paper and he signed right under your name and sighed handing it back to you. Before you could leave he stopped you.

"[Y/N], wait..."

"What Louis? What more could you possibly want from me? After you took my baby from me I cannot afford you taking anymore of my time, so what more could you possibly want?" You say harshly.

"Your forgiveness. I'm so sorry [Y/N]. I know I've caused you so much physical and emotional pain but, you forgiving me is all I want. Please [Y/N], will you?" You looked at him with angry tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"I'm not saying what you did to me was ok. It never will be ok and I can't say I can be more than an associate to you. But I guess I can forgive you."

"Thanks you so mu-"

"However; I will not be tossing this under the rug. Nothing you say can ever make me forget what you've ripped from me. Understand?"



When you looked in your mirror your face was covered in cuts and scratches probably from Liam striking you in the face with that beer bottle last night. You couldn't believe him, last night was absolutely ridiculous.

When you opened your bedroom door you were greeted by the awful smell of alcohol and urine. When you looked around Liam was no where to be found. You stepped in a wet patch on the carpet and cringed extra hard.

You followed the smell to your bathroom and there Liam was, laid in the bathtub with a wet patch on his pants. You shook Liam awake and gave him a disappointed glare.

"[Y/N] baby, I'm sorry." He said looking at the floor.

"Get up." You say with an angry look on your face. Liam stood up and looked at you close to tears.

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