#62: He messes with you when hes bored

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A/N: hey guys!! I hope you guys liked the late Christmas preferences I wrote for the holidays. I also hope everyone had a good Christmas and I hope you will have a happy new year.


"Louis stop, leave me alone!" You laugh rolling over. You've been wearing your head scarf out a lot due to laziness and you were in no mood to care about who saw. So Louis made up a funny song about it.

"Lay them edges down right like the way I want it..." He began to sing. You shoved your face in the mattress trying not to laugh. He made the song as kind of a cover to the song put it down.

"Leave that scarf on, baby we can fall in love...get that edge brush and that grease on..." He continues. When you turn around to shoo him away you see he has his phone out recording.

"Louis!!! Get that thing out of here!" You yell playfully pushing him out of your room.

"My gosh, that man drives me crazy." You say going to fix your scarf.

"But you love me!" He yelled from downstairs. You rolled your eyes and laid back down. You couldn't deny yourself though, you did still love him.


"YESSS BABE, WORK!" Liam followed you around the kitchen while you finished making lunch.

"Li, stop staring at my ass." You say swatting away his large hands. You were cooking with just your boy shorts and your T-shirt again and he keeps on playing with your behind. "Liam go somewhere or you ain't eatin." You threaten him giggling.

"I'm never gonna go hungry as big as your butt is." He jokes continuing to stare. You turned off the burners on the stove and tried to get away from him.

He picked you up from behind laying you on the lounge end of the couch. He laid hugging you from the waist down and he wouldn't budge.

"Liam, get off me." You say struggling to push off his large biceps.

"Not happening." He says gripping your thighs, and biting your butt cheeks.

"Why are you so damn horny all the time?" You grumbled rubbing his back.

"Because you make me that way." He chuckled coming up to kiss you.


"Babe, Babe, Baby, Babe...." He called your name at least a thousand times.

"Oh my gosh Ni, what is it?" You sigh annoyed. He smiled towards you and just started to laugh.

"Niall, what's the deal?" You ask.

"I love you." He chuckled blowing you a kiss.

"Niall leave me alone." You sighed upset that he was distracting you from your work for nothing.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!!!" He got up and started hugging you and kissing your face.

"Love you too honey...now go away." You say. You were on your period too so that really didn't help the fact that he was annoying you.

"Aww what's the matter? Upset because your having tummy issues?" He coos trying to hug you again.

"No Niall, I'm fin-" before you could finish you felt him massaging where you were having cramps.

"Better now, grouchy?" He asks you. You nod leaning into him.


"Zayn, I'm not kidding give me back my phone!" You whined continuing to follow him around.

"What do you have to hide? I just want to play a game." He scoffs sitting on the couch. He snatched your phone right from under you and you hated when he did that.

"Got eeem, you're obviously hiding something!" He grins making you frown.

"No I'm not shut up. I just have some embarrassing things that I would like to stay private." You say folding your arms.

"[Y/N], calm down I've seen it all with you...you have nothing to be embarrassed about." He says trying to hold back a laugh. "Come here and give me a hug."

You oblige to it and you slowly sit down and allow him to wrap his arm around you.

"Ass hole."

"I love you even more!" He shouts laughing.


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" You hear your husband yelling in your face.

"Harry go somewhere, I'm tired." You groaned turning over. He got in the bed next to you and started giggling your boobs around.

"Boy, if you don't get off of me..." You said trying to move. He then started to act as quick sand. The more you struggled, the tighter he would hold you.

"Harry please move, I need to go potty." You lied trying not to laugh.

"No you don't you'll live." He chuckled kissing you all over.

"No seriously, I need to go, Move!" You say pushing him out the way. He stood in the doorway while you were using the bathroom and all you could do was look at him.

"Harry...can I like...have some privacy?" You ask.

"Nope." He smiled sitting on the rim of the bathtub so he could hold your hand.

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