#99: (¿?) You tease him in Public (Liam)

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*Requested Imagine* for Sunekailyn

Sorry this imagine took so long, I have track practice everyday for like 2 hours and then the work load is heavy. But other than school, I really took my time on this, so I hope you guys like it. Things are starting to slow down since it's almost the end of the school year. But it's finally finished. So here it is!!! Enjoy!


For the first time in over a month you had finally decided to check your weight on the scale and you were not pleased with your results. You thought going on a no processed food diet could help you, and it did help, but not how you expected. You knew you were due for a visit to the Gym too. You went and packed your ankle weights into your bag along with some spare clothes for after your shower and you were ready to go.

"Liam, I'll be back in a couple hours. I'm going to the gym." You sighed sliding your sneakers on.

"Alright [Y/N], I'll see you la-" he took a look at you and his eyes widened.

"You're going to the gym, like that?" He asked standing up.

"Li calm down, it's just shorts and a t-shirt..." You laughed.

"[Y/N], the shorts are spandex, and they're a bit short..."

"Liam it's getting too warm out to wear longer pants. If tagging along will make you feel better, feel free to come with me." You say shaking your head at the fact that he didn't trust you. He ran up the steps and came back down in his workout clothes.

"Ready to go?" You say, attitude evidently shown on your face.

"Yep, let's go

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"Yep, let's go." He said standing closely behind you. You unlocked the car and got in the driver's seat throwing your bag in the back. Liam threw his in the back before sitting next to you in the passenger seat. You started driving not paying any attention to your jealous Boyfriend. You planned on getting him back too.

*skips car ride*

You cooled off a bit when you pulled up to planet fitness, but you were still getting back at him.

"Babe is everything ok? Is there any specific reason to why you wanted to come work out?" Liam asks being genuine.

"I need to drop some weight Li. Also summer is around the corner. I'm not gonna get a bikini body by just sitting around." You chuckled getting your bag out the car.

"Come on Li, I set a strict exercise schedule for myself and your welcome to join in." You smile going to scan yourself into the system.

You went to lock your stuff up bringing nothing but your phone and earbuds, and your ankle weights. This is the part where you get Liam back, by bringing out his jealous side.

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