#145: The Help (Niall)

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"Today I welcome you to your first day on the Job [Y/N]."

"Thank you sir."

"Now to address some ground rules." He said tilting his head your way. Something told you, you weren't going to be in favor of these rules but you needed the money and you made a deal with this man. You worked for his household, he paid you for it.

"Rule number one..." oh lord...something told you this man wasn't exactly in his right mind.

"You will address me by Sir or Mr. Horan."

"Rule number two, you will not speak unless spoken to." He said.

"Rule number three, you will show everyone in this house some decency." Who did this man think you were?

"Rule number four, all tasks must be completed properly and to the highest standard possible." Ok, that sounded fair enough to you.

"Rule number five, this is the last one. So listen closely to this one..." he began. "Whatever the hell happens in this house better stay in this house, understood?" You nodded viciously towards him. The last rule sounded extremely off to you. What exactly was there for you to tell? And what did this man have to hide?

"Any questions?" He asked.

"Um yes. What consequences will there be for breaking any of these rules?" You asked curious. He got extra close to you gripping your jaw making sure the two of you were making direct eye contact.

"I will make sure you leave here empty handed. Also I have my ways of making people like you cooperate." He growled letting go. "Get to work."

"Well damn...what side of the bed do he be wakin up on?" You whispered looking at the excruciatingly long list of tasks Mr. Horan made for you.

"Ok...polish the furniture, and vacuum the floors in the living room..." you read aloud going to get started.

You gathered a bunch of cleaning supplies and made your way over to that half of the house. You decided to start with the vacuuming since the carpet was in deep need of it. When you plugged in the vacuum and started it up it shut right off and it seemed kind of bizarre to you.

When you turned tapped the start button with your foot it wouldn't come back on. "What the hell?" You saw that the plug was out of the wall and you sighed not knowing how it was even humanly possible. You haven't even gone more than two feet from the wall and it unplugged itself.

You plugged it back in and got back to work when the same thing happened again. But this time you heard giggling. You went and turned the corner and saw two teenage girls they must have been Mr. Horan's Daughters.

"Um hey girls listen, do you mind not being obnoxious? Your dad wants somethings done around the house and I only have but so much time." You say.

"Who are you calling obnoxious? You slave, I'm surprised Daddy didn't make you pick vegetables from the garden." The one says.

"Excuse me?" The two teens cackled amongst themselves while you stood with your hands on your hips.

"You know, you two need to learn some respect. Best believe if I was your mother I'd be beating the hell out of both of y'all. All I ask is that you knock it off so I can get this stuff done. You do wanna live in a clean house right?" They both rolled their eyes at you and walked away, probably going to tell their dad on you on the way to their destination, but you didn't care.

Who did she think she was to call you some slave? You were a housekeeper and were to be treated as such. All of Mr. Horan's rules were out the window at this point. You weren't gonna let no teenagers disrespect you like that.

Without another disturbance, you finished the whole living room and you were quite proud of the job you did. You were content until you heard Mr. Horan call your name.

You turned around only to be greeted by him charging down the hallway. You knew you had messed up bad and there was no escaping it.

"Yes sir?" You sighed.

"Come with me." He growled. He took you by your wrist and dragged you down to his basement which, wasn't bad looking. It's what he was going to do to you is what had you worried.

"How dare you talk to my daughters like that? I told you to show some decency!" He shouted in your face.

"Sir I tried to be nice but they were being disrespectful!" You yelled back.

"So that gives you the right to hit them?"

"What? That's a damn lie right from the pit of hell. I didn't lay a finger on them!" He grabbed you by your collar and shoved you up against a nearby wall. He got you with a hard smack right across your face and left you feeling completely violated. Not to mention his body was pressed closely to yours and his crotch was pressed against your thigh in an obvious manner. What exactly did he think he was getting away with?

"Your lucky I refuse to fire you. You did a good job on the living room and I can trust you to clean my house. Not to mention, you look great in uniform."

"Is this some kind of sick twisted joke to you?!" You yelled freeing yourself from his tight grip.

"I already told you you would receive punishment for breaking the rules." He smirked smacking your ass before leaving you in the basement. You weren't sure what this man was up to, but you were for damn sure not ok with it.

You weren't trynna wait around to find out either.

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