#152: Angry Sex (¿?)

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"Leave me the hell alone Louis, I'm sick of your ass going out with that hoe Danielle." You say ripping your arm from his grip. You were so livid, seeing pictures of him and his ex set you ablaze and Louis knew that.

"Well you know what [Y/N], stop being so damn jealous all the time. I can't do anything without you breathing down my neck." He says pushing you back.

When his back was turned you chucked and a glass picture frame right at the back of his head and watched as it shattered in mid air.

"Are you out of your mind woman? If you would've thrown it a bit harder a glass shard could be in my he-" without even letting Louis finish his sentence you pressed your lips onto his and bit his bottom lip harshly. You made it very evident to Louis that you were the one in control. He was taken aback by your sudden change in feelings.

You pushed Louis back onto the couch and straddled his lap as you laid him back.

"You piss me off [Y/N], you know that?" He said through gritted teeth. As he was verbally expressing how mad you made him you were already yanking his jeans down his legs and he was close to doing the same to you. You gripped his hand tightly and got extra close to his face.

"It's my turn to be in control, understand?" He nodded and watched  you strip down to your tank top and your panties. "Do what I tell you to do." He nodded and rubbed your thighs in soothing circles.

"Boxers down. Now..." Louis did what you asked of him and you watched as his erection popped up standing tall like the Eiffel Tower. You immediately started riding him and he took it all in with the most wide eyes you've ever seen on him. He's never seen your dominant side before. Of course since your were pissed off at him, this would be the first time you let it show.


"Seriously [Y/N]?! Where the hell do you think you're going?" He asked harshly as you slid your coat on.

"I'm leaving Liam and you can't stop me." You say. It only took Liam a New York second to be at the door, with your wrist tightly in his hold.

"All you ever do when we fight is leave. Why is that your answer to everything?" He asked. He slammed the front door behind you and backed you into it, and from there you knew what was next.

Sex with Liam was the best when he was mad because he always treated you roughly the way you liked it. You knew Liam hated when you would leave, so that's why you did it, so he would get mad.

"You're not even fucking listening to me are you?" He growled grabbing you by your chin. Without another word Liam picked you up and brought you up to the bedroom tossing you onto the bed leaving you gasping for air. He stripped himself of his clothes an hovered over you on the bed literally ripping your leggings off your legs.

"Nigga, seriously? I just bought those!" You yell at him as he starts to kiss you rough and hard.

"I don't care, Fuck your leggings I'll buy you more." He says moving your panties aside and entering you without letting you adjust. All of that was done within one swift movement.

Let's just say, Liam knew how to make you feel like a queen especially when he was mad. It was fun to make him mad.


You've been ignoring Niall all week, hitting him with that silent treatment and dodging him whenever he would try and talk to you. Even the sex probation you had him on was something fierce. At this point it was getting ridiculous how much you've been avoiding him and it was pissing Niall off.

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