#169: He's alone with the baby

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I snagged the idea from queenlilly368 just thought my girl should get credit lol. Plus I take child development at school now and I've had children on the brain for weeks. So here is the update.


Louis places a granola bar and a half filled bottle on Bernie's tray table and smiles seeing as he thinks he's done something correctly.

"Eat up my boy, breakfast is served." Louis says sitting down to eat his cereal. After a few moments of watching his dad eat, Bernard starts to whine making Louis sigh.

"What? What's the matter?" That small whine turns into a very upset cry and Louis sighs picking him up.

"I don't know what you eat in the morning. Usually Mommy's here with you..." Louis looks around and grabs a packet of instant oatmeal and decides to make that for Bernie's breakfast.

After he's all settled down Louis starts feeding him and smiles when Bernie doesn't cry. "See, didn't I tell Mama I have everything under control?"

Bernard giggles taking another spoonful of the oatmeal. "Yeah, I know. Dada's always right."

After Bernie gets full Louis takes him out the high chair so that he can clean his face and afterwards, Louis places him down so he can play. He then texts you to let you know that everything was fine and that he was right about having things under control.

You responded with the smiling emoji when behind the text message you were actually rolling your eyes at your goofy husband.

You then texted Louis saying:

Make sure he goes down at 1 for his nap and give him some left over spaghetti for his dinner. Lunch, I'm
Sure you can figure it out. You've got it all under control 😁

Louis read that text and shakily laughed at himself.

"Yep, Mommy pretty much knows I don't know what I'm doing but she doesn't need to know that, right?"

Bernie laughs and stands up, using Louis' knee to keep him balanced.

"Don't worry bud, we're gonna have fun today." Louis smiled kissing his boy's head.


Nadene pouted her lip out and reached for Liam with sad eyes. Liam sent a playful pout back and went to pick her up.

"What's the matter baby? Your gums botherin' you?" He kissed her cheek and gave her one of her teething toys to occupy her. She threw it on the floor and decided to cry and rub her eyes.

"Come on baby girl, let's go get the mail, maybe fresh air will be nice for you..." he stepped into his slippers and walked out into the moist, humid air. Nadene leaned into Liam's chest and pondered at all the birds and insects  flying around the sky.

Liam caught a monarch butterfly on his finger and Nadene looked at the insect on his hand very impressed. She giggled and tried to reach out and touch it.

"Be gentle with butterfly Nae..." he cooed bringing it a bit closer to her reach. Ever so gently Nadene tapped the wing with her small finger and quickly pulled it back laughing. Liam smiled at her and saw random flashes of light coming from the bushes. Paparazzi...

"Ok Nae, lets hurry up and get the mail." He sighs letting the butterfly go.

"Say 'bye bye' to the butterfly! Can you say bye bye?" She waved her little chubby hand as the bug flew away.

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