#172: He hits you

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To say your current situation was technically domestic abuse would be an understatement. Lately Louis has just been really off balance with his moods, why? It probably just wasn't for you to understand why.

He's been coming home and threatening you whenever you didn't give him what he wanted and you just weren't having it. So the one night he came in late from work, you didn't hold your tongue.

"Where the hell have you been? It's 2:00am, you had me worried sick about you!" You yelled crossing your arms over your chest.

"Go suck a big one [Y/N]."

"Excuse me? Who exactly do you think you're talking to?"

"I'm talking to Casper clearly. I mean he's not very responsive but..."

"You're about to dismiss me with that disrespect Louis. All I done did for your ass and this is how you treat me?" You say getting in his face. Before you could open your mouth to say another word, Louis punches you in your mouth, sending you back towards the wall.

"Did you just fucking hit me? The hell is wrong with you?" You say getting ready to attack him. You didn't even have much time to fight back.

He'd already had you pinned to the floor and he continued hitting you, aiming for your face. When you tried to stand he kicked you in the stomach causing you to vomit blood.

"That's what you get for cheating on me, you bitch." He says spitting on you.

You were to weak to say anything back although Louis was far off about you cheating on him.

"You fucking idiot..." you felt yourself bleeding between your legs and you wanted to kill the bastard. "I'm pregnant and you just kicked me in my stomach!"

"What? You're pregnant?" He asks getting a harsh sense of reality.

"Yes the hell I was, but not anymore Thanks to you, also just a disclaimer, this was your baby. I don't cheat." You say getting up, keeping your distance.

"[Y/N], baby I'm sorry! Let me drive you to the hos-"

"Nuh uh, I'll drive my damn self. We're over." You went upstairs and packed your bags before leaving without even looking back.


Point blank, Liam was awful when he was drunk yeah it was safe to say half the time he didn't realize the pain he'd inflicted on you. Never the less it's not like Liam's drinking problem wasn't inevitable.

He drunk dialed you which usually meant he needed you to pick him up. You weren't happy considering he called you at 2 am. Not to mention the both of you had to be up for work in only a couple short hours.

When you pulled up to the bar, he stumbled up to the car and had a bottle on his hand. It took him a good 5 minutes to get in before you drove the two of you home. He kept mumbling things to you and kept trying to touch you but every time you swatted him off. You weren't in the mood.

"What's your problem?" He slurred following you to the front door.

"What is my problem? You're kidding?"

"I asked you a damn question!" He yelled hitting you in the face with an empty beer bottle. You were absolutely appalled by his actions.

"Get in the house." You say opening the door. On your way in he put his hands on you again causing you to sock him in his cheek.

"What'd you do that for?" He asks.

"Rub some dirt on it." You say heading up the steps to the bedroom.

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