#17: Your Infant son (Zayn)

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Your son's Name was Zephaniah and he was 1 year old. You named him after an Old Testament out of the bible. No one called him by his full name but you, his nickname was Seth but Zephaniah didn't really respond to it much. He was so much like Zayn but in the aspect of personality. He liked to play in Zayn's paints and draw silly patterns with his fingers, and he was fairly quiet but at the same time he was really sensitive.

Zayn P.O.V

Seth crawled around the kitchen while I fixed him his favorite vegetable soup. He was trying to stand on every piece of furniture in the house. It started to get dangerous when he would scratch himself on the pointy edges so I had to sand down everything. Right now he was standing up on chairs and babbling to himself.

"Dada, Dada!" He shouted.

"Where are you bud?" I chuckled walking around the island to see my boy trying to toddle around in his diaper and his shirt.

"Hey Seth, you wanna be my taste tester?" I pick him up getting a spoon and blowing on the boiling liquid I put in it. I make shapes with my mouth trying to get him to copy it. He soon catches on and sips the soup.

"Mmm, yummy right?"

"Mmm..." He hums asking for more.

"Alright bud just a second, it's hot still. Go play." I place him down on the other side of the room near his toys.

"Dada?" Seth babbles sounding like he's questioning me.

"What's wrong bud?"

"Mama?" I knew he was gonna cry when I had to explain [Y/N] was at work.

"She's...not home Seth."

"No Mama?" Seth's big brown eyes started to water and he started sniffling. I turned the burner off since his food was done, and I went to go pick him up. I'm honestly not usually swayed by tears, but it was really upsetting to see how heart broken he was now that [Y/N] wasn't home.

"It's alright buddy, we had so much fun today hanging out at home. Mummy will be home later." I say bouncing him. He just cried more and put his fingers in his mouth.

"I don't know when you'll be ready to stop crying, but you need to eat." I sat him in his chair and got a bowl to put his soup in. As soon as I sat the bowl in front of him he got quiet.

"God is Grey" he babbles to himself.
[Y/N] was a Christian and she's been teaching Seth to pray over his food and now it's a habit for him. I took a video of him trying to recite the prayer and I sent it to [Y/N]. It was honestly pretty adorable.

Multiple times I put the spoon at his lips and he happily ate the soup admiring the Seth sized chunks of home made chicken and veggies. The doorbell rang and I moved the hot soup so that Seth wouldn't hurt himself.

I ran to the door and it was just my sister Doniya.

"Hey Sis what's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing really, I've been busy with my new job and I haven't seen you in a while. Also I came to see how my favorite little Brother, and Nephew are doing." She said. It was as if on cue, Seth started crying.

"Right now he's in the kitchen. He's supposed to be eating his lunch but we can see that he's now grumpy because he's not." I laugh. "Come in, I'm gonna finish feeding him."

Doniya and I walk into the kitchen and Seth cries more.

"Wow, Zephaniah Malik..." Doniya looks at her nephew surprised to see how he's grown up.

"He looks just like [Y/N]! How is she by the way?" She asked.

"Oh she's good. She's been working again and she loves it." I explain. Seth started screaming and crying due to the fact that he wasn't finished eating.

"Seth, it's alright." I grab the bowl off the counter so he can finish his food. He was done in like 5 minutes and he was less moody.

"Hi baby, how are you? You remember your Auntie Doniya?" She smiled looking at him. He smiled just a bit and started blushing.

"Zayn he's such a cutie, you and [Y/N] should bring him by more often." She says picking him up from his chair.

"I hear that from so many people nowadays." I chuckle. "Mom always wants to watch him for me and I don't really need a sitter at the moment. Me and Zephaniah are fine at home."

"Right bud?" I add. He reaches for me resting his head on me as soon as I hold him. He starts yawning and getting all blinky.

"Uh oh, someone's getting sleepy." She coos kissing his head.

"I'm about to be asleep right with him. I'm tired as well."

"Aww, well I'll stop by later so you guys can get some sleep love you both." She says hugging me. I escort her to the door and makes sure she gets in the car safe. I shut the door locking it and I turn on the tv. Before I could even lay Seth down he was asleep. I grabbed a blanket and laid down with him on my chest and I soon fall asleep with him.

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