#138: You have a miscarriage

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Throughout the whole day you've been home by yourself you've been feeling so under the weather. You had a strong headache along with back pains and then your stomach started to hurt. You prayed and prayed it had nothing to do with your baby.

You decided to take what seemed like some harmless pain killer and went to sleep it off. In your sleep you felt someone shaking you and you saw Louis standing over you.

"What's the problem?" You asked slightly bothered.

"You're bleeding out [Y/N]! Change your pants and come on so I can take you to the hospital!" You looked at the bed sheets and saw blood. You didn't think one little pain killing pill could do that much damage to your precious baby.

You silently got up and changed and went to the hospital with Louis. When you got tested it was confirmed that you lost the baby.

"Now Mrs. Tomlinson it was nothing you did wrong."

"But I took the painkiller, isn't that what made me miscarry?" You asked confused.

"No not at all. When we were doing the examination, we discovered that your cervix was very weak. If we would've known this sooner this could have been prevented." By the end of the doctor's explanation your face was stained in tears.

"We're very sorry about your loss Mrs. Tomlinson. Just know that you can always try again in a few months. Would you like a couple minutes?" You nodded your head in an unresponsive manner and you heard Louis come in the hospital room and sit next to you.

"I lost him." You whispered to Louis. He hugged you tightly and he was just as upset about it as you were.

"I just lost our baby and all that damn doctor had to say to me was, 'You can always try again in a few months'. Like get out of my face, that baby won't be the same as the baby we would have had." You said crying into his shoulder.


You had just lost your little girl 3 days ago and it was haunting you badly. You couldn't eat or sleep knowing that something that was really important to you was gone. All you could do was lay in bed and stare at the TV and occasionally out the window. You heard a knock on the door and Zieyah and Charles walked in.

"Hey Mommy. Chaz and I cooked you lunch." Zieyah smiled putting the meal on your bedside table. The two of them were well aware of your miscarriage and wanted to do whatever they could to make you feel happy again. You looked at the food and turned over, you just couldn't eat.

"Mommy, please eat something. Chaz and I are really worried about you. It's been days." She says close to tears. You were inconsolable to your own children even though they could tell you wanted to be left alone, they both gave you a hug and a kiss and exchanged some 'I love you's' before they left you alone.

After they were gone you let the tears come like a flood. The only reason you didn't say much to the kids was so they wouldn't have to see you cry. A couple minutes later Liam came in the bedroom and sat next to you at your bedside.

"Hey. You doin ok?" Liam asked trying to hold back his own tears. It saddened him to see you live like you were.

"I failed our baby girl as her mother Liam. I even failed Zieyah and Charles as a mother. I should've taken better care of her. She would still be with us if I had." You sniffled wiping your eyes.

"Hey, Hey, Hey you can't blame yourself for losing her. The doctor said you had no part in this, the baby already had some health problems and she wouldn't have made it much longer either way. You can't keep blaming yourself for this." He says rubbing your back.

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