#129: FAMILY SERIES (You fight in front of the Kids)

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Lately you have been really moody and upset due to your hormones readjusting after having the baby. Louis would be away from home for days at a time leaving you to watch two kids and a baby. It was really hard juggling the kids with a lot of other responsibilities. And what pissed you off was that Louis would come home and do absolutely nothing.

It's been a while and you've been bottling up your anger towards him and one night when he got home late you finally went off.

"Well?" You say expecting an answer from him.

"Well nothing [Y/N]!" He yelled at you. "Be glad I'm atleast home tonight."

"Louis I don't know who you think you're talkin to, but you need to lower your damn voice. The kids are asleep." You say clenching your jaw at him. "Second, it's hard for me to appreciate the time you're home because you never help me!"

"Whatever [Y/N], I always help when I come home!" He yelled back.

"No the hell you don't! You come in, you say hi, sometimes you hug me, and then you go upstairs and go to sleep! I have to take care of a screaming baby, a kindergartner, and I have to help our son with his homework every night, but what do you do? Nothing." You say starting to calm down. Louis looked down at you and sighed in defeat. He knew you were right but he didn't want to admit it.

"Mommy?" You both looked towards the steps and see your daughter looking at the two of you.

"Hey Kay. Go back to bed boo. Mommy and daddy are having a conversation." Louis said walking towards her. She took a step back slightly afraid. She's never seen him yell like that before.

"It's ok, come here boo." He said taking her hand. "You too Dorian. I know you're up there bud." You saw your son appear at the top of the steps and he finally came down.

"Why are you guys so mad?" Dorian asks being curious.

"Well, sometimes Mommy and Daddy get into fights but were never mad. We just have feelings we need to get out." You explained.

"How were you feeling Mommy?" Kiara asks.

"Well, I felt sad because Daddy hasn't been home with us as much." You say.

"I been sad too." Kiara shrugs.

"What about you Dad? How did you feel?" Dorian asks.

"Well son, I was kind of mad with your mom...but that's because I didn't know how sad she felt about me not being at home. We were just a little...misunderstood you know?" He nodded looking from Louis to you.

"But, no matter what happens or how we feel, we never stay mad at eachother. We always forgive. Right Lou?" Louis nodded in agreement giving you a hug.

"So does that mean you guys are sorry?" Kiara asks.

"Yep. We're both sorry." You say.

"But we're even more sorry that we woke you guys up and that you had to hear us yelling. Do you guys forgive us?" They both nodded and gave you guys hugs.

"Great. Now let's all go to bed. You guys got school in the morning." You say.

"Ok, night Mommy and Daddy." Kiara says heading up with Dorian following her.

"Yeah, Good night mom, Goodnight Dad." He smiles. Once you were sure they were in their rooms you guys gave each other a tight hug and went up to bed.

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