#127: Kidnapped (Liam) Part 2

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ENJOY GUYS!!! Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

You were absolutely through playing games with these guys, you wanted your daughter back and you wanted her back now. It was dark out and you continued to keep track of that Honda and you didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. Through all this you couldn't even begin to imagine how Nadene must feel. She was just a little girl.

You were going head to head with this guy on the highway he steered right into the side of your car to try and run you off the road. You weren't giving up that easy, you sped right past him waiting for him to catch up to you but he never did. You checked your mirrors to see that he had gotten out the car and he was aiming his gun for the tires.

"Oh shit..." You quickly turned around and you thought you could outsmart him by speeding towards him to run him over but it backfired and he blew out your tires. You felt the hood of your car lean downward and you went into a whole fit of profanity.

He pulled up next to you and waited for you to roll down your window. You were extremely hesitant to roll it down but you did anyway.

"Let's see you try to save your daughter with a flat tire." He grinned driving off.

"Ugh damn it!" You yelled getting out the car. You took a look at the tire and there was no fixing it. Luckily for you, you remembered an old friend who lives close by the area. You were hoping he still had the same number.

You called his phone and luckily he picked up.

"Who is this?" He asks sounding annoyed.

"It's [Y/N]...is Zayn on the phone?" You asked.

"Yeah it's Zayn...is it really you [Y/N]? You sound different." He said in disbelief.

"Yeah it's me. I know it's been years and I just kind of called you out of no where but I'm having a serious problem and I need your help." At this point you were desperate.

"Ok...what's the problem?"

"My daughter Nadene got kidnapped at the park today and I'd been chasing them fools down all day and-"

"Whoa, whoa whoa back up...you have a kid now? Who's the father?" He asked.

"He's been out the picture for years, he disappeared but that's not my point! I've been chasing these guys down all day and all night, and they blew out my tires and I'm not lettin them get away with my daughter. Please Zayn, can you help me?" You say starting to get frustrated.

"Ok fine. I'll come scoop you up and I'll help you. Text me from your location settings."

"Thank you so much!"

"Alright, I should be there in a half hour. See you soon." Then he hung up and you waited and waited for him. In the meantime you called AAA to come get your car. The high way was empty and you were still stranded on the side of the road. Soon you saw a set of headlights coming towards you with its high beams on and you quickly shielded your eyes until the car came to a stop.

Zayn got out the car and stood there for a minute just taking a look at you. You did the same to him and it was silent. The history you guys had together just wasn't explainable. It was a love hate kind of relationship between the two of you and you didn't know how you felt considering this is the first time you've seen him in a really long time.

"It's been a long time [Y/N]. It's good to see you." He said looking at you and lighting his cigarette. "Well, what are we waiting for? Get in so we can go save the little tike." You ran to his car and got in and he sped off.

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