Stalked (Louis) Pt.2

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It seemed that people were giving you dirty states everywhere you went, and you couldn't understand why. It was literally everywhere, without any exaggeration. Someone from the neighborhood saw you in an aisle at giant and she came up to you and just stood like she had something to say.

"[Y/N], I'm honestly extremely disappointed in you. Why would you advertise your body like that? That's pretty much should be ashamed." Then she left without saying anything.

"What is she even talking about?" You say to yourself aloud. You had enough of people staring at you and ridiculing you, so you just went to check out.

"Your total will be $23.50," you went and pulled out your card and the cashier dude was even staring at you s hard.

"You know, I'm not doing anything Friday night, I could sure use a mistress then..." He whispered to you.

"No, it's not happening. Goodbye have a nice day." You said leaving.

"Then what was the point of you hanging up all those flyers? Just because you felt like being a slut?"

"Wait a minute, what flyers?" He looked at you surprised that you didn't know what was going on. He handed you the paper and there it was...a picture of you showering. The word on the paper read:

"My name is [Y/N], and I'm a dirty slut. Call me if you need a mistress or call for a good time ;)"

Your phone number was at the bottom of the paper too. You've never felt so angry to see something like this. You never sent nude photos or anything to anyone so it just had to be Louis. He was the only one who had that type of footage of you. You immediately drove yourself down to the police station to report it.

•••••••••••••Police Station•••••••••••••

"Officer, I just knew he was gonna try and ruin my life with that camera footage!!! He's the only one who could be responsible for this. And he hung these up ALL over the state of LA. Driving down here, I started to see them everywhere!" You explained.

"Well [Y/N], you're in luck. This time we have the proof that it was him who hung the pictures up. We went through the footage in each camera and in the beginning of each one we saw him positioning the camera. We also caught footage of what he did to you a couple days ago. So we may be able to get a warrant for his arrest. We're just just not certain about it yet."

"Ok I guess I can settle for that." You sighed in frustration. All you wanted was for him to get put away so your nightmare could end.

"Oh yeah and [Y/N],"

"Yes officer?" You asked turning around.

"Nice breasts by the way." He grins making you laugh of embarrassment.

You drove yourself back home and put the groceries away, and immediately called Sheena. It took her a few rings to finally pick up.


"Yeah Sheena, it's [Y/N], you'll never believe what this joker done did...."

"What happened?" She asked worried.

"You know how Louis has footage of me showering? Well I went to the store and everyone was looking at me all sideways and I had no idea why. So then when I went to check out, I found out from the cashier that there's naked pictures of me in the shower hung up all over LA!!!"

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