#158: Your Break-up (Final part)

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A/N: This is a huge throwback...lol this pref has 3 other parts to it and I'm just now coming out with the 4th. Also I wrote this right off the bat so my bad if there are any grammatical errors. I skimmed through it thoroughly, another thing, I wrote this one extra long, so Enjoy.


It's been about two years since the incident between Niall and Zayn and Niall hasn't spoken a word to you since then. You had forgiven him and attempted to become friends again, but one day something changed in him. You didn't know if it was because you and Zayn got into a relationship shortly after you and Niall started to hang out again, but he was angry...really angry.


"Seriously [Y/N]?Why are you with him?!"

"Niall he asked me out and I actually have feelings for him. I'm not just gonna say no to someone I have mutual feelings for!" You tell him.

"You know if you didn't have feelings for me you should have said something instead of leading me on!" He shouts back.

"Ni, I told you that you and I were just friends...I didn't know my relationship with Zayn bothered you this much..."

"Well now you know, bitch! I should've known better than to invest anymore of my time in you since the day we met!"

"Excuse me Niall? You're the one who cheated on me...so I wasn't good enough for you from the start anyway, dumb ass. So if anything you're not hurting my feelings at all, because I've moved on to someone who actually cares, so if you really feel that way about me cut me off. Right here, right now." You say standing your ground.

"Get out [Y/N], Fuck you!"

"When and where? Oh wait...I'm already taken sorry..." you teased leaving the house.


Since that day, you haven't spoken a word to Niall. He would like your pictures on twitter and Instagram and he would watch your snapchat stories, but he wouldn't talk to you. So much for someone who didn't wish to invest anymore of his time in you.

Your phone buzzed and when you checked your lock screen and it was a random number. When you unlocked your phone, the text read:

Hey [Y/N], its Niall. Can we talk?

You literally sat and laughed at that message for 3 minutes before locking your phone back up. You received another message from in a few seconds later and it said:

I know you read my message. Can we please talk?

Y- you

Y- No. goodbye.

N- [Y/N] please...I'm sorry.

Y- Ok, apology accepted. Goodbye now.

N- ugh...I really am sorry for the way I acted. Everyday I think about how much I took both our relationship and our friendship for granted and it makes me sick to my stomach. Knowing you, sorry isn't enough for you, but I'm really hoping you sincerely forgive me. You don't even have to talk to me ever again...as long as I know I have your forgiveness.
Y- Ok

N- so?

Y- so what?

N- can you please forgive me?

Y- omg Niall if I say yes will you leave me alone???
N- 😁👌🏼

Y- you're forgiven. No more contacting me pls..Kay, thanks.

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