#114: You have twins (Harry)

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You had a little boy and a girl named Sage and Hakim. People questioned their names so much but you didn't care considering they never read up on what the translation is for their names. Both of their names stand for someone who is wise, and you and Harry knew from the pit of your stomachs that they would be very bright kids one day. That's why you agreed on their names. Your not that couple that likes to make their kids names sound all alike either. So it all checks out.

"Hello Ms. Sage!" Harry smiled in her face. He cradled her on one arm and you laughed seeing her poke at Harry's face. You stood and bounced Hakim on your hip while you mixed around the meatballs in the spaghetti sauce.

He licked his lips and you giggled. "Does it smell good? Yeah?" You found one of his spoons on the counter and took some sauce on it for him to taste. After you blew on it and let him taste it, he opened his mouth to signal that he wanted more.

"Dinner is almost done sweet heart. I'll
Make sure I give you extra sauce with your noodles." You laughed kissing his head. You sat him in his high chair next to Sage a few feet behind you and kissed both of their heads.

"I need to get y'all a comb...that hair starting to get long." You laugh. "You,
need your hair cut or trimmed, or something Hakim."

"Leave him alone babe, he's trying to take after me." Harry chuckled hugging you.

"Not in your dreams. I would never let his hair get that long Harry. I don't know what you think this is." You giggled shuffling back over to the stove. He followed behind you resting his chin on your shoulder and you looked at him all crooked.

"Harry, Get off me." You laughed. "Go entertain the babies, you ain't seen them all day." He slowly walked towards the two of them in their chairs and their faces lit up.

"Hey guys!" He widely smiled at them, making them laugh.

"You spent the day with Mommy, huh? What did you guys do?" They both babbled loudly making Harry smile.

"Whaaaat? No way." He said as if he actually understood them. You faced the wall smiling, and occasionally peaking over your shoulder at the kids and Harry together.

You smiled to yourself knowing that you picked the right one to settle down with.

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