#120: FAMILY SERIES (Your kids meet the new baby)

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Dorian: 11 yrs.
Kiara: 6 yrs.

The kids have been sitting in the waiting room with your mom for a couple hours waiting for your new son to arrive.

"So are you guys excited to have a little brother?" They both excitedly nodded at their grandmother.

"Mom-Mom, what do you think he's gonna look like?" Kiara asked leaning into her arm.

"I don't know yet honey. Your dad texted me and told me he's getting his shots. We'll be able to see him when the doctors are done checking him out." She explains.

"Yes! Finally a little brother." Dorian smiled excited.

"What about Kiara?"

"Mom-Mom, Kiara always annoys me though." He whispers

"No I don't Dorian!" She says shoving his arm.

"Kidding....I'm kidding Kay." He says hugging his little sister.

"What about you Kiara?" Your mom asked.

"I guess I'm excited to meet the baby." She giggled. Just then Louis came out to the waiting room and smiled at the kids.

"Mom! How are you!?" Louis asks hugging your mom.

"I'm doing good. How's [Y/N]?" She asked.

"She's in the room waiting for you guys to come meet the baby." He chuckled. "You ready to meet your little brother guys?"

"Yeah!" They both said following Louis with your mom talking with Louis on the way to your hospital room. Louis quietly opened the door not sure if the baby was still asleep and peaked in to hear you talking to him.

"Good morning my pumpkin man, I'm glad you're awake. Are you gonna stay awake for Mom-Mom and your brother and sister? Or are you gonna go back to sleep?" You giggled cradling him.

"Hey babe, look who's here!" You turned and saw Louis come in with your mom and the kids.

"Hey Mommy!" Your mom ran up and hugged you. She eyed the baby proud to be having another grandson.

"Hello baby, I'm your grandmom! Aren't you a cute little thing?" Your mom chuckled holding her arms out to take him. You let her hold the baby and she gently swayed with him.

"What y'all name him?"

"His name is Bernard Alexander." You smile proud.

"My gosh, he even looks like a Bernard." Your mom laughed kissing his chubby hands.

"Louis, is Johannah coming to see the baby?" Your mom asks.

"Ugh she might come today. If not, she'll be here tomorrow." He explains. She nods and gives Louis the baby.

"Dad, can we see the baby?" Dorian asks. Louis sits down in a chair so that the kids can see him at face level.

"This is your brother Bernard kids. Say hi!" Bernard looked at his older siblings and started reaching for them.

"Look it Dorian, he loves us already!" Kiara giggled excitedly holding her baby brother's little hand. Dorian smiled and held his other hand.

"You sayin hi to Dorian and Kiara bud?" Louis chuckled. You sat and took pictures of the touching moment glad that the kids were already getting along with the baby.

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