#83: Valentine's Day (Zayn)

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Zayn left you alone for the day so it would give him some time to go get some things done for the surprises he had in store for you. He said the night was all about you, and he was just too excited to be taking you out. You were at the house getting ready while you were on the phone.

"Oooo girl, you have to give me the details!!! What's he got planned for you?" Angie giggled through the phone.

"Heck if only I knew. He just told me to dress nice and to be ready by 3:45. I honestly think he's taking me to dinner." You smile knowing your man probably was.

"I Gotta start getting ready before Zayn gets here Angie. I'll get you hip later."

"Alright girl, you better." As soon as she hung up you started cracking up. You got yourself all showered and shaved up and got dressed in this new dress you bought just for him.

You had about 15 more minutes to get a hair style going and to throw some make up on your face. You were just barely ready by the time you heard Zayn walk in.

"Babe, you ready?" He yelled up the steps, excitement and happiness evident in his voice.

"Yeah honey, just let me get my shoes on and I'll be right down." You slid on your two inch heels and quickly scanned over yourself before grabbing your purse and phone and heading down stairs. When Zayn saw you at the top of the stairs his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. 

"Close ya mouth before you start catching flies." You giggled running towards his arms.

"My gosh you're so breath taking." He smiled against your cheek, kissing it.

"You look so...so beautiful!" He said looking you up and down and admiring every part of you. Zayn looked extremely handsome, his suit tailored to perfection, his hair nice and neatly slicked back, his hazel eyes staring into yours...you loved that man, and after years of searching for the right one you were glad you finally had someone to spend this day with.

He came back in for a hug and reached lower and lower for your butt. He gently grabbed it for a short time, just taking in the feeling of you.

"Satisfied there partner?" You snickered making him quickly back away.

"I-I'm sorry [Y/N], I..."

"Zayn it's alright Hun, I was just teasing. Are we going soon?"

"Oh yeah, we can go. Let me get your coat on." He got it off the rack for you and put it on for you, before putting his own coat on. You took his hand and followed him out to the car, and he hugged you into his side kissing your cheeks.

"I would like you in first my lady," he chuckled opening the passenger door for you to get in. He got in next to you and drove for miles, the sun was beginning to set as you guys finally got to where you were Zayn was taking you.

"Zayn honey, what are we doing?" You giggled as he got you out the car. Your eyes widened as you saw your path being lit by he black street lamps out onto the pier. He took you by the hand and all you could see was I nicely set table with a candle lit center piece and rose petals around the table. You literally could feel your make up being ruined from crying.

"Zayn, this is so beautiful. No one has ever done anything so nice for me." You smiled happily and couldn't help but squeeze him tightly.

"Come, have a seat. I think the food should be out any minute now." He says taking your coat, and placing it on the back of your chair.

"This is so lovely!!! And something smells really good." You giggled. Just then, a waiter pushes your dishes out on a cart and places them in front of you.

"Thank you!" You smiled as he poured your drinks.

"If you need anything else, just ring this bell." He smiled placing a bell on the table. Then he left you and Zayn to enjoy your meals. After you finished the food, Zayn wanted to say a few things to you....

"So [Y/N], we've been together for 5 years now and I can say that you've given me the best years of my life. You stayed with me through thick and thin, and we've had our ups and downs but you always managed to love me no matter what people have said about us and for that I love you more than life its self."

"Aww I love you too baby." You smiled coming around the table.

"Wait, there's more..." He chuckled. He took a black velvety box from his pocket and got on his left knee.

"[Y/N], you're the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of being with, and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you...Would you like to take the next step with me and become Mrs. Malik?" He smiled at you and you didn't know what to say to him.

"Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!" You managed to fit in the same sentence. He took your hand and placed the ring on your finger. It was beautiful and you never wanted to take it off. You ran up and hugged your new fiancé with happy tears in your eyes. You absolutely couldn't wait for the wedding.

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