#156: He gets jealous

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"[Y/N], Why do you have to wear leggings to the gym?" Louis whines pulling you by your hips.

"Because, that what most normal people who exercise wear when they workout?"

"But what about that guy whose been working out with you lately huh?" You looked at him with wide eyes considering you didn't think he knew about it.

"Uh huh, you thought you were hiding something from me. What if he wants to cop a feel huh? Then you won't want me anymore." He says pouting like a child.

"Louis, honey, come here." You sigh putting your gym bag down before holding your arms out for him. He runs into them and rests his head in your chest.

"Don't leave me for some fitness jockey [Y/N], I love my cocoa bean." He whines hugging you tighter.

"Louis..." you cupped his face in your hands and brought him up to your eye level.

"I love you very much. I would never leave you for some potential creep who asks me to get coffee with him every time he sees me. Get that in your head and let it stick real good." You say kissing his pouty lips.

"Ok [Y/N], I trust you." He sighs. He gave you another hug this time almost knocking you over.

"Remember [Y/N]..."

"What Louis?" You ask. He squeezes your butt extra tight making you gasp. He even started pretending to play the bongos to add emphasis.

"This all belongs to me, Louis Tomlinson. It is addressed to me and me only." He says smacking your butt extra hard before letting you go.

"I'll make sure he knows that Louis." You laugh before leaving.


Lately you've been getting into playing instruments and such and you were specifically interested in playing the guitar. Instead of paying for lessons you thought there would be no better person to teach you than Niall.

"Ok [Y/N], you ready to learn about the wonderful world of guitar?" Niall says getting all smiley and excited. It made him feel good that you wanted him to teach you.

"Now before we even get to playing you need to know how to tune your guitar. What kind do you have?" he asks.

"I'm pretty sure it's acoustic."

"Awesome, I love playing acoustic." He chuckled. He showed you how to tune it so that it would sound a certain way and he showed you the different tones that came with tuning a guitar. Pretty soon you were at the fun part...learning to play. Niall sat holding your hands trying to guide your fingers along the right strings and you smiled excited that you were getting it.

The whole time Liam was watching your lesson with Niall and he was absolutely heated. As soon as Niall left he let you have it.

"You know [Y/N], if you wanted to learn how to play guitar, I could've showed you." Liam scoffs looking away.

"But babe...you don't play guitar."

"I used to play a little." He lies, turning his back to you.

"Ok Liam, what's up?" You say turning him to face you. You smiled and kissed his cheek rubbing the exact spot where you kissed him.

"Well...seeing you and Niall all having a good time made me feel some kind of way." He admitted.

"Honey...is somebody jealous?" You smiled squishing his cheeks.

"No..." what he meant to say was yes.


"No come on, I told you we're just friends." You sigh. You and Niall have been going back and forth about some picture in a magazine for almost 2 hours.

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