#33: Daddy skeptic: He feels the baby isnt his

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The writer of this preference is
1d-interracialimagines on tumblr. She's a good writer. You should read more of her stuff.

"Her eyes are green, like mine. Oh and one dimple too!" Harry smiled down at his "niece" Elysse. Louis hovered over his shoulder looking a bit uncomfortable, but you ignored it.
"Y/N she's gorgeous...She definitely has your nose." Harry marveled. "Aw, look at her little curls." The only person who loved Elysse more than you and Louis, was probably Harry. He had fallen in love with a girl he'd met on tour in America, Dominique. While they had been trying for months, she just couldn't get pregnant as it seemed. Nonetheless, it was clear Harry loved children, especially seeing how he acted around Lux. That's why there was no surprise when he was quick to accept the offer of babysitting Elysse on a much needed date for the Tomlinson's.
"Thanks. Now you already have all our contact info in case something happens, Y/N should have a bottle made for her in the fridge, and her diapers are all upst-"
"Lou, don't worry, I know where everything is." Harry interrupted not looking up from little Elysse. Louis' head jerked back a bit as a confused look swept across his face.
"What? How?" He asked.
"Oh, babe this isn't the first time I've asked Harry to babysit. He knows what he's doing and he's trustworthy. Couldn't ask for a better sitter." You gushed not taking your eyes off the baby.
"Do you remember what I taught you about rocking her?" you asked looking up to Harry. He nodded and demonstrated while letting you fix his arms.
"Y/N, I think we should go." Louis said firmly. You rolled your eyes at his pushiness, but headed towards the door.
"Harry just call if you need any-" But Louis had pushed you out the door before you could even finish your sentence. You pushed a section of your braids out your face and huffed.
"Louis what the hell is wrong with you tonight?" You asked following him to the car. He didn't even answer you, just started the car in silence, a grim look on his face. You sighed and let him have his little attitude. Having a six month old was tiring and you deserved this night, and nothing, not even Mr. PMS were gonna ruin it for you.
"Do you just want to be with Harry? Is that it?" Louis asked suddenly, practically yelling at you. You jumped taken aback buy his sudden outburst and even more by its content.
"What?" You asked, not sure if you heard him right.
"Don't play dumb Y/N. 'Oh this isn't the first time he's babysat', ' He's the best sitter ever', 'She has dimples and green eyes like me', 'Do you remember how I taught you how to rock him?" He mocked. Your jaw was almost to the floor. Louis had never acted like that.
"What are you suggesting?" You asked. "Louis who's the father of my child? Who did I say 'I do' to? Who did I give my number to after that concert? Who did I spend every waking moment of my life wondering if you still loved me or were gonna meet some European princess while on tour and leave me? It sure as hell wasn't Harry goddamn Styles."
"So why do you treat Harry like that then? Huh?" He questioned. You looked around as if searching for the answer somewhere on the car.
"Are you okay? I don't treat Harry any different than how I treat the other boys."
"That's not true, and you know it."
"Louis what are you even talking about? You asked leaning back in the seat. This night was already failing and you had no idea where it was going to end. "What, do you think I'm in some secret relationship with Harry?"
"No, I already DNA tested, I know Elysse is-" He turned to see nothing but a pair of angry eyes glaring at him, the rest of your figure blending in with the night.
"You. Did. What?' You say turning to face him. Louis hesitated for the first time in a long time, all of a sudden at a loss for words. "You DNA tested? For what Louis?" Suddenly your anger became hurt.
"Y/N....its just....you spend a lot of time with Harry and the baby and its obvious she looks nothing like me and....I don't know.." His voice trailed off.
"Louis...First of all, its possible that a kid can only look like one parent. Yeah she has one dimple like Harry, and I have two, so she got it from me. Green eyes? My mother has them. That's fucking genetics. And being with Harry, Louis, Dominique is pregnant and he wanted me to teach him some stuff." You explained not even bothering to look at him. This entire episode had just drained all your energy and you wanted to go home. Louis gasped.
'Dom is pregnant? That's so great, why didn't Harry tell me?"
"Louis, I don't know you can ask him when we get back." you mumbled leaning your seat all the way back. There were so many ups and downs to loving this man.

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