#98: Your Child gets hurt

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You were at one of Dorian's football games watching as he scored the 3rd touch down after half time. He was really a star athlete playing for varsity and all that, you were so proud. Even though he didn't exactly follow in Louis' footsteps, Louis was still proud of him, and always showed his support and cheered him on at his games. He was down by the sideline gates with the other dads talking about how the other team wasn't penalized for making a foul. You found it Hilarious how men took sports so seriously. Especially Louis. You couldn't blame him though, he waited 3 daughters for this moment.

"...And Dorian Tomlinson, #25 is down." When the guy in the box announced it, you thought maybe he got benched but he was hurt.

You got off of those bleachers so fast...you hopped that gate and ran to your son in center field like your life depended on it.

"Dorian honey, are you alright?" You asked him. His leg was bent at a 90 degree angle and was standing upright and he wasn't moving.

"Mom, I'm fine." He laughed. "My leg might be a little dislocated and broken but...that's all part of playing sports." He told you. "I think coach already called the ambulance I hear it coming."

"Dorian, everything is gonna be ok. We're gonna figure out what you did to your leg." You say close to tears.

"Mom come on, not in front of the team." He smiled wiping your tears. You took his helmet off and pushed his hair back and patiently waited for the ambulance.

"Hey," you turned and saw Louis, happy that he was giving his support. "Sorry I couldn't get out here sooner. Security wasn't letting me past the gate." He explains. "You alright mate?"

"Yeah Dad I'm fine. I'm just in a lot of pain that's all." He said breathing rapidly. "You would have thought Mom was the one who got hurt if you saw her 2 minutes ago." He joked.

"Hey, Your Mum's a bit emotional." Louis chuckled. "Give her a break."

"The ambulance is here Mr. And Mrs. Tomlinson. The medics said one of you can ride with him." His coach informed you.

"Mom, can you ride with me?" He asked. You nodded kissing his head. "Mom... You're embarrassing me. A lot." He whined sounding like his Dad, and It made you laugh.

"Look Mom...Everything is gonna be fine. I didn't start playing football not to get hurt." He said making you smile.

"I'll meet you two at the hospital, ok?" Louis said You both nodded and watched as he ran to get the car. The medics came and took your boy on the stretcher and you got in the ambulance with him.

The rest of his team mates chanted his name as he was carried away and it made you feel good that your son was deeply cared about by others.


Liam was out with Zieyah teaching her how to ride the big girl bike that Liam's dad bought for her birthday. Liam's been practicing with her for days and she still hasn't gotten it. Zieyah Didn't seem very happy to be riding without training wheels in the first place.

"Daddy, I'm scared." Zieyah says hugging his side.

"It's alright sweetheart, I'm gonna hold onto the bike with you the whole time." He reassured her.

"You promise Daddy?" He nodded putting her helmet on. Liam held the bike up for her while she stepped on and got her positioning straight.

"You ready Zieyah?" She asked.

"Um...I'm ready!" She giggled. Liam smiled at the 6 year old instantly believing in her. "Alright now pedal and I'll push you ok?" She nodded and started pumping the pedals on her bike.

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