#38: You find out you're the Side girl (Louis/Zayn/Niall)

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You've been with Louis for a few months now and you truly did care for him at this point in what you thought was your relationship. Every once in a while you would read or here about cheating rumors on the news, or in magazines and it didn't really bother you because they were never true. But this is one you started to take to heart. You were in the store getting food for your apartment when the cover of a magazine caught your eye. It was a picture of Louis kissing and loving on another girl, and the fact that she wasn't of color got to you the most.
You didn't want to lose your filter in the store so you picked up the magazine and kept it moving.

When you got home you opened up to the page that spoke more of it. It talked about some girl named "Briana Jungwirth" and how he apparently got her pregnant.

"No it can't be true..." You said to yourself getting on your phone and looking into it. You found an interview on the subject and when Louis was asked if he was excited to become a parent and answered yes it broke your heart. Deep down you were happy for him, but what broke you apart was the fact that it wasn't your future with him that he was answering about. Right on the spot Louis walked in the door for one of his visits and tried to hug you but you went right past him and went into your room down the hall shutting the door and locking yourself in.

"[Y/N], what the hell is the matter with you? Is everything alright?" He banged on the door practically trying to bust it down. You opened the door and just spit on his face.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He yelled shoving you back towards the door.

"Don't fucking touch me!" You yelled punching at his chest. You may have been small, but hey, you came with a pretty large bite.

"Tell me what the fuck is going on!" He yelled back.

"Come." You said just barely looking at him. He followed you to the small living room and you picked up your magazine and opened to the page shoving it in his face.

"Oh..." He said calmly.

"Yeah 'Oh' is right. Now get the fuck out and maybe use that magazine to clean up the spit on your face." You said dragging him out.

"[Y/N] baby, I can explain..."

"I'm sure you can, but I'm in no mood to hear your lyin ass explain to me that I was just your stupid side chick the whole time, also you need to learn to keep your fucking hands to yourself, don't you ever fucking touch me like that again Louis!" You shouted getting in his face.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have pushed you if you weren't such a black bitc-" he stopped himself right there and realized he couldn't take back his harsh use of words.

"[Y/N] sweet heart I'm so sorry...I-"

"Good bye Louis." With that you slammed the door in his face no longer wishing to hear of him.


Today was the day you realized how deceiving Zayn Malik was. You'd walked into his home which you recently started sharing together and heard a loud thumping noise on the ceiling, along with a girl screaming. It wasn't just any kind of scream that you hear in a horror film, it was a pleasure scream...How you knew of such a sound? You didn't know but you sure as hell didn't plan on just standing there and letting it continue. You quietly shut the front door and flew up them steps with a purpose and stood outside of the bedroom door.
You took a deep steady breath and busted up in the room only to see exactly what you heard from downstairs. Zayn and the girl looked at you like a deer in head lights.

"Zayn...before I drag this bitch out of here by her hair do you mind telling me what you think you're doing with her?" You say with a shit eating grin on your face.

"Hold up bitch I know you...you're Gigi Hadid aren't you?" She slowly nodded her head picking up her clothes.

"And you must be [Y/N], Zayn's...what ever he refers to you as." She devilishly smiled throwing her clothes back on. You did NOT tolerate attitude from anyone. On sight, you grabbed her by her blonde/brown locks and started to drag her across the room.

"And Zayn, be dressed by the time I'm done escorting this hoe out." While you still have a strong grip on her hair, she tries to stand up but you're too strong for her. She kicked and scratched at you and even tried to pull at your individuals and you ain't even give her time. You threw her out and saw a purse that never belonged to you but it was a nice purse. You dumped all her stuff out on the welcome mat and yelled:

".....AND IM KEEPIN THIS PURSE PUNK ASS BITCH!!!" Then you slammed the door locking it and went upstairs to deal with the other half of the problem.

"Well...Why Zayn?" You said tilting your head, hands on your hips. He opened his mouth to talk and no words came out.

"Actually Nevermind, I'll take your main hoe's Louis Vuitton bag, and my black behind out to save you the trouble. Sorry I wasn't good enough for you to begin with."


You were out with one of your girlfriends having lunch and you both sat and talked about how loyal your men were to you.

"Girl, I don't know about that Niall guy...he seem a little suspect." Your friend Reina said to you.

"Come on Reina, give him a chance he's such a good guy." You smiled thinking about him.

"Hey [Y/N], isn't that Niall's car parked in front of the chipotle over there?" She asked.

"I don't think so. Niall doesn't even like chipotle." You say. Reina could remember license plate numbers like nobody's business. Her memory of numbers was terrifying but cool.

"I see his license plate from here...it's NJH-1738." said.

"I say we spy on him, you know see if he's worth anymore of your time." She chuckles. You agree with her and wrote your checks for the bill, leaving the restaurant. When you drove across the street to the chipotle the two of you sat in the car and looked through the window. You could not believe how right your friend was when she said Niall was suspect...

You saw him with another girl and they were getting all hands on with each other. Your next move was the most savage thing you have ever done. You got out the car going into chipotle, and pulling up a chair right next to Niall. You didn't even have to cause a scene.

"Hey Niall, how are you?" You say like everything is all good. But you fr fr wanted to get in his face and cuss him out so bad.

"[Y/N], sweetheart w-what are you doing here?" He smiles not changing his expression.

"Sweetheart?" The small white girl nearly yelled from across the table. "Niall is there something you're not telling me??!?!"

"What's your name?" You ask her.

"Bethany...." She says squinting at you.

"Would you like to help me show Niall what a special guy he is?" You say eyeing the drinks on the table.

She starts to catch your drift and says "You know what I would love to help."

The both of you pour sodas all over him and sit the empty cups on the table as if nothing happened.

"Now that that's handled..." You trail on "Don't fucking call me, Don't text me, delete my phone number, give me back my spare house key..." You pause holding out your hand. He takes the key off his larger set of keys and places it in your hand. "...Oh and to finish off, don't show up at my house anymore. There's not no place for deceit."

"I think I can also say we're over." The other girl says.

"Come on Beth baby, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me..." He says but she yanks her hand back and starts walking away.

"Bye Niall." You say following after his main girl. You couldn't blame her for being so surprised. She probably never would have knew she was being cheated if you didn't come along. You followed after her and asked her for her number so the two of you can hang out sometime. It's kind of funny befriending your exes main hoe but y'all actually became good friends.

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