#71: You catch him masturbating

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You walked in the door from work looking for Louis but it was oddly quiet in the house. He's usually playing FIFA or he's watching the game.

"Louis honey, I'm home!" You yelled through the house. You looked all overfor him down stairs. Then you thought to yourself that this was one of his pranks.

"Yo this ain't funny Louis, you know I don't play that jump out and scare me shit..." You say getting ready to hit him with your shoe. You hear him upstairs talking to someone so you decide to go up and get a better listen.

"Oh fuck yes [Y/N], Mmm..." You heard him whimpering.

"Louis what are you doing?" You say on the other side of the door. "Are you alright?" He didn't hear you because he was still talking.

You opened up the door and your hand flew over your mouth at seeing your husband naked on the bed with porn on his laptop.

"Louis..." You snickered. "Are you?..." He turned around to see you and his eyes widened and he tried to hurry up and close his computer.

"Heyyyy, [Y/N]...I-I wasn't expecting you to be home so soon." He stuttered getting under the covers of your bed.

"Louis you were really masturbating..." You say trying not to laugh at your needy husband.

"You never saw that..." He said turning over and hiding under the comforter.

"Louis don't be embarrassed...if it makes you feel better, let's just say I have needs when your out on tour." You giggled biting your lip.

"Shut up [Y/N]." He chuckled continuing to hide from you.


You were downstairs in the kitchen cooking for your hubby when he suddenly stepped out for a minute. He hasn't been back up in a while, and the food was almost ready. You were in Liam's favorite shorts that you would put on, but he insisted that you had them on before he came home. It was a bit questionable...but he's a guy. What could you expect?

"Liam baby, come eat!!!" You yelled towards the workout room where you saw him go. He wasn't responding and you instantly started to think something was wrong.

You went into panic mode and went down the basement steps where the workout room was. You saw him sitting on the bench press bench and got turned on at seeing his sweaty back muscles.

"You're always the sexiest when you've been working out." You complimented him giggling. When he turned around you saw him in his pants and he turned around looking at you while looking suspicious.

He was heavily panting and you saw him trying to cover up a boner.

"Li...were you down here beating your meat?" You say putting your hands on your hips, trying to hold back a smile.

"U-Uh I..." He started off and you quickly shushed him putting your finger to his lips. "Your hands can't do what I can do for you." You grinned as you straddled his lap turning him on more than ever.

"Looks like dinner is gonna have to get cold." You say putting your hand in his pants.


You were upstairs reading a book when you heard Niall move into a fit of curse words and silent yelling. You thought maybe he spilled something or whatever and you decided to go check on him.

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