#147: The Help (Liam)

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"Nanny [Y/N]! I'm home!" You heard a little voice call out. You were greeted with Liam's daughter Erin and you smiled seeing that she probably had another drawing for you.

"Hey Erin, how was school?"

"It was good. I drew this for you!" She says handing you a piece of paper. It was a colored pencil drawing of you and her at the park and you just about died at seeing how she colored you with an orange colored pencil.

"Thank you so much Erin! I'm gonna keep this forever and ever." You chuckled giving her a hug.

"Did your dad drop you off or did you come home on the bus?"

"I took the bus today."

"Oh ok. I made some cookies if you're hungry." You tell her.

"Wow, Thanks Nanny [Y/N]!" She hung her back pack up on the hanger and ran towards the kitchen. You smiled getting ready to go finish up the rest of the Chores Liam asked you to do. While you were cleaning you heard the door swing open and Liam walked in with his other daughter Eliana on his hip.

"[Y/N]!" He shouted. You came from the other side of the house to be greeted with Liam who actually seemed to be in a good mood for once. Ever since his wife died he hasn't quite been himself.

"The house smells great. Thank you so much for doing a fantastic job." He says slipping Eliana into your arms. You saw that one coming.

"Na-Naaaaany!" She babbles.

"Hey Eli, you ok?" She nodded her head but you don't do non verbal. She was 1 and a half and still didn't say a whole lot.


"Yeeeees!" She answers copying you.

"Very good Eli. You wanna go play?"

"Yeeeees!" She says once again. You let her go to the living room to play with her toys while you stood to have a chat with Liam.

"So are the chores done?" He asks.

"Almost. I just have a couple more to go."

"Great. I need you to stay overnight..." of course he did. The past few months he's been leaving you with the kids over night so he could go out and drink. It was getting old being abused and violated by a drunk man every night as a part of your job.

"Got it?"

"Uh...yes Mr. Payne." You didn't hear a word he'd spoken to you but it was the same thing every time. At this point, there were no surprises. You did the rest of the chores and started to fix dinner while Liam was about to leave the house.

"I'll see you [Y/N]. Have the girls in bed by 8:30." He said leaving. He didn't even say bye to the girls before he left. Some father..."

"Na-Naaaany!" You turned and smiled at the little girl standing behind you.

"Hey baby. You ok?"

"Hungry!" She shouts looking around.

"I know Eli, I'm fixing dinner. It's almost finished." You say picking her up.

"How do you feel about chili and rice tonight? Does that sound yummy?" She smiled happily looking at the stove.

"Uh huh...I know that look." You chuckled placing her down. You really loved those little girls more than anything in the world. You practically raised them to be the kids they are now.

You've been with the Payne family ever since Cecilia (Liam's wife) was still alive and she had given birth to Erin. She was a wonderful person, it was just Liam who wasn't a very good person. You busted your tail to make sure his kids were fed and to make sure his house was decent but that didn't seem to be enough for him at all. Cecilia always showed you the brighter side of a situation and always made you feel better when Liam would get under your skin. It actually wasn't half bad working for the Payne's until Cecilia passed away.

Ever since then, working for Liam alone was a pain in your ass. You didn't mind so much watching the girls seeing as they were polite and never gave you any problems, it was just being Liam's house keeper. He paid you an insufficient amount of money for the work you did around the house. On top of that he would always insult you just because when he was in a bad mood and he would harass you. It wasn't a way to live at all.

Later on that night the girls were in bed and you were in the guest bedroom reading a magazine when you heard the familiar stumbling of a drunken Liam. You knew you had to deal with it so that the girls wouldn't wake up but you really weren't in the mood for it.

"Mr. Payne, you need to get in the bed. You have work in the morning you whisper." He gave you a harsh smack to your cheek but it honestly didn't effect you. You were so used to being hurt by him.

"Bitch don't tell me how to live my life..." he mumbled falling all over you.

"Liam, please...just get in the bed. The girls are asleep and I don't want them waking up." You say more worried about them than yourself. Liam fell to the floor making an extra loud crash and you sighed hearing Eliana start to wail from her room. You grabbed him and pulled him all the way up the steps to his room and you took off his clothes and just left him there.

"He fell pretty hard...I should check to see if he's even breathing." You whisper to yourself. You ph your hand under his nose and sure enough he was still breathing. On the bright side for you, he didn't hurt you as bad as he would have.

You went to go check on Erin and Eliana and lucky for you Erin was rocked. Eliana...not so much.

"Nanny!" She yelled reaching for you.

"It's alright I'm right here, don't be scared I'm not going to let anything happen to you." You tell her holding her on your hip. You put her into a fresh diaper and took her downstairs with you to give her a little snack to calm her down.

You couldn't do this to yourself anymore. You couldn't just stand by and let Liam go through the pain and you most definitely could take any more of the pain he was putting you through.

Eliana looked at you and hid her face in your neck and you rubbed her back knowing exactly how to end the madness once and for all. "It's all gonna be over soon baby, I promise."

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