#148: FAMILY SERIES (Stepdad gets no respect)

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Today was about to be a very annoyingly painful day for your two kids Kiara and Dorian. After months of being engaged to Louis and recently finding out you were pregnant Louis decided it was time for him to move you guys in with him. You were very excited to be living with your man, but your kids were not.

"Mommy, when are we going back to our old house?" Kiara asks seeing the last U-HAUL truck drive off.

"Kiara, were gonna live here with Louis from now on." You explain. "Were not going back to our old house."

"I like our old house better." Dorian added in.

Mind you that the three of you lived in an over priced apartment complex that you could barely afford. Louis brought you guys to stay with him in his big, gargantuan house where there was a yard for them to play in and other children in the neighborhood, but they didn't seem to want that.

"Look guys, I know you miss the old house, I miss it too. But you're gonna like living here with Louis, trust me." You left the two of them to go see how Louis was doing with the separating of the boxes. The two of them watched looking disgusted as you and Louis kissed each other.

"I don't like him Dorian. He always takes Mommy from us all the time." Kiara sighs.

"Yeah, I liked it when it was just us and Mommy. Let's go in Kay." He sighs holding his little sister's hand.

••••••••3 Months Later••••••••

Kiara sadly sat in her room playing with her dolls waiting for Dorian to get back from soccer practice. In the mean time Louis was there keeping an eye on her and she didn't like it one bit. When Louis came to check on her he noticed the sad look on her face.

"Hey Kiara, are you ok in here by yourself?" Louis asked softly.

"Yes." She answered getting a little hostile.

"Hey, Hey what's wrong?" He asked.

"I only want my Mom and my brother." She answered wiping some tears from her eyes.

"Sweet heart I can't help you with that, they're out right now but they'll be back soon. You want me to stay here with you?"

"No. your not my dad." She said making Louis sigh in defeat. He decided to leave her alone and wait for you to come home to deal with her. When you got home with Dorian Kiara immediately perked up at hearing her brother's voice.

She went down stairs to go say hi and she saw You, Louis and Dorian all talking.

"So how did practice go buddy?"

"Ok." He answered. You kept a death grip on his shirt to keep him from running off. He didn't like talking to Louis so much.

"That's good. You know I play a little soccer myself...maybe I can teach you a little bit of technique some time." He suggests.

"No thanks. I have my own." He says crossing his arms.

"Dorian be nice." You whispered in his ear.

"Why? It's not fair Mom, he's not my dad and he think just because you and him are together that makes him the boss of me and I don't like it. I just want to be left alone." He ran up the stairs to his room and you saw Kiara at the top of the steps following him.

"Dorian, come here!" You yelled up the steps. You heard his door slam and you sighed.

"Babe, why do your kids hate me? I seriously don't get it. It's been 3 months and the two of them still continue to show me no respect. They won't be happy until I'm dead." He says.

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