#176: Baby Daddy Drama (Liam)

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You and Liam's 5 year old Daughter Nala

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You and Liam's 5 year old Daughter Nala.

"Nala, come on boo, it's time to go to your Dad's." You say getting her stuff together.

"I don't want to Mommy."

"Why?" You asked. She usually was excited to stay with Liam so you didn't know what changed.

"B-Because My dad has another baby that he loves more than me." She says starting to tear up.

"Nala, I know it's hard for you to understand your Dad has a new baby, but he still loves you. Another kid doesn't change anything."

"Ok."she says looking at her feet." You grabbed Nala's hand and lead her out to the car so you could drive her to Liam's.

When you get to Liam's house, you help Nala put on her backpack and walk her up to Liam's front door and knock. When Liam opens the door he has his son Bear on his arms.

"Hey [Y/N], do you mind if I talk to Nala alone for a second?" He asks. You thought it was a weird request but you went to the car and sat for a while assuming Nala was going to actually stay in the house.

You were shocked to see Nala running to your car with tear filled eyes. You immediately got out the car and went to go get her.

"What's the matter Nala?" At the moment she was inconsolable and couldn't say anything about words exchanged between her and Liam.

"Nala, Honey, you need to calm down...Tell mommy what happened..."

"M-My D-D-Daddy said that, h-he..."

"Nala, breathe baby I can't understand you." Finally once and for all you calmed her down.

"My Daddy said he can't see me for a while b-because he has the new baby and has to b-be with him." She says breaking into heavy sobs again.

"Why?" You say getting at her face level.

"I-I don't know Mommy. I d-don't want to come to his house anymore." She says crying even harder.

"Stay here." You say to Nala before marching up to Liam's front door and banging on it with your fist balled up.

"What is it [Y/N]?" Liam said, this time coming to the door without his son.

"Tell me why my daughter came to me crying because you got an issue with seeing her. Do you know how hard it was trying to convince her you weren't going to do this to her?" You say getting in his face.

"First of all back up [Y/N], I have other responsibilities to attend to. I don't have time for-"

"You sure you wanna finish that sentence?"

"Don't interrupt me, I was going to say, I don't have time for Nala to be around when I have another kid."

"Well you better make time, and by the way I got you saying that on a recording." You say holding up your phone. Liam's jaw dropped to the floor.

"You crazy bi-"

"You can bet your ass I'm crazy. Nobody messes with my daughter like that. If you have a problem with my daughter you come to me, you leave my Nala alone, do you understand me?"

"Yes [Y/N]."

"This is the second one of your little shenanigans I got on tape too. First I got your skepticism when you tried to say she wasn't yours and now I have this. I'm about to take you to court for full custody Liam." You say heading towards your car.

"You can't do that, she's my damn daughter too!" He yelled.

"Like hell I can. And what happened to, you 'don't have time for Nala to be around' huh?"

"[Y/N], please..." pretty soon you and Liam started to attract a crowd but you didn't care. You wished the world knew what a terrible Father Liam Payne was behind closed doors.

"Please what? Take me and my kid elsewhere? Yes sir I can and I will." You say helping Nala into your car.

"No [Y/N], please don't take full custody..." he pleads.

"Well tough luck because I can and I am. That's another thing for me to tell the judge is that you leave your kids in the house alone!" You say referring to the sound of Liam's son screaming.

"[Y/N], let me talk to Nala, please."

"No, you hurt her Liam, and I'm not going to let you say anything else to her to upset her. She already said she doesn't want to come back to your house, so the least you could do is leave her alone."


"Say my name one more time and I'm a cut you..." you say making him quiet.

"See you in court Liam Payne." You say getting in your car, starting it up. Liam waved bye to Nala and she didn't even want to look at him. Without another word you drove off.



GOOD NEWS!!! I have officially exceeded the amount off chapters I'm allowed to add to a book, so that means book two will be coming your way! Keep an eye out yall😏😁😳

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