#20: Your infant son (Harry)

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His name was Nolan and he was the biggest Mommy's Boy. Whenever you left him with Harry or someone other than yourself he would run straight for you. Nolan was about a year old and he was learning to feed himself. For a toddler, he had so much personality. It was never a dull Moment with Nolan. He's mostly like his dad but he looks more like you. He doesn't talk much, but when he does you guys always take time to listen. Other than that he's a sweet kid.

You spent a day out in the busy streets of center city in Philadelphia with Nolan, pushing him from building to building in his stroller. You had such a fun time going around to restaurants you've never tried or seen before, it was good bonding for the two of you. Ever since you started back up with work you rarely saw him. You still made time for your little boy, you were just always tired so it wasn't the same as spending a whole day with him like you were today.

You were walking down the street with the stroller and Nolan was having a fit in his stroller because of something he saw.

"Nolan, I don't know what you want if you whine like that. Use your words." You say trying not to get frustrated with him. He knew how to speak, he just had a problem with figuring it out how to say it. He started to kick his legs and bounce around in the stroller in excitement and you started to get noticed by people. You weren't even trying to be discreet by gripping him up or anything because it wasn't the first time in the day someone noticed the two of you.

"Oh my gosh [Y/N],Nolan is so cute!!! Can we hold him?!!?!"

"No sorry, he has a cold guys." You lied. Nolan didn't have a cold, you just didn't want strangers touching your kid. "You can take pictures next to him in his stroller if you want?"

You were getting really impatient with them, you just wanted to spend time with the baby and sometimes you have to share him with the rest of the world to avoid bad publicity. It was getting really annoying. You just got some quick pictures of them and quickly walked away and said nothing else to them. You picked him up out of the stroller and he was smiling at you all hard.

"Hi Nolan, hi baby!!" You smiled hugging him close to your chest. Not wanting to let go. You sat him in your lap and started playing with his 4c thick curls.

"Mommy needs to moisturize your scalp when we get home...it's so dry. And you need your hair washed." You say to yourself since the baby was paying you no mind.

"Mmm..." He hummed tapping you on your chest.

"What Nolan? What were you trying to show me?" He pointed to a big sign shaped like an ice cream cone.

"Boy, you were fussin over some ice cream?" You laughed. He grinned at you clapping his hands.

"Alright, let's go get some ice cream so we can go meet up with Daddy." You say putting him back in his stroller. Harry said he would pick you up near a bus stop when you were ready. So you basically have been taking the bus all day to get around.

You walked a few steps to the shop and went in. It wasn't full but it wasn't empty either. To save money you got yourself a medium sized cup of vanilla ice cream so you could share it with Nolan. You sat outside letting him eat most of the ice cream in the container and eating what he didn't finish. It wasn't long before Nolan was rocked af asleep in his stroller. It was a long day and you decided it was time for you guys to go. you called Harry to come pick you up while you walked to the bus stop and he was already on his way. He got there around the same time as you and helped you get the baby in the car.

"Hey Bud, did you have fun hanging out with Mummy all day?" Harry smiles at the half sleep baby. He started to fuss around in Harry's arm and he was looking around trying to figure out where he was. Nolan wasn't a fan of being woken up out of his sleep. "Nolan it's ok buddy, don't cry its just me." He looked at his dad and started to calm down a bit at hearing his voice. He put Nolan in his car seat and strapped him in, kissing him on his head as he fell back asleep.

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