#104: You have twins (Louis)

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Your boys Israel and Isaiah were the best that's happened to you in a long time. They were just like Louis, always putting a smile on your face. They were always full of energy, and you enjoyed that because it kept you on your toes. At times they could be quite a handful taking into consideration that you were 6 months pregnant and it was difficult to chase them around with a big round belly, but what fun would your life be if you didn't have them to do that with.

"ISAI-....I mean...ISRAEL JEREMIAH TOMLINSON, YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW YOUNG MAN AND I MEAN IT!!!" you yelled through the house. You heard his even worse doppelgänger Isaiah giggling on the other end of the room and you sighed as you nearly turned around to grab him.

At the moment you weren't even sure which one of them were which because they were doing that little switch out thing where they'd try drive you out of your right mind. They loved to confuse you and Louis and Usually it's funny, but today you were moody and upset and you wanted to cry.

"Boys please come on, you need to get a bath before daddy gets home! We have to go meet Uncle Niall and Auntie for dinner soon!" You whined plopping onto the couch. As long as the two of them were running around in similar looking draws you were never gonna catch them in time.

You sat and cried into your palms while your wild children ran around laughing. You heard the giggling stop and it turned to whispers.

"Izzy stop!" Isaiah whispered.

"What Zay?"

"Mommy sad, look it!" Isaiah whispered to his similar looking brother pouting.

"Oh no, Mama sad." Israel gasped making his eyes widen.

"We tell Mama sorry?" Israel asked starting to feel guilty.

"Uh huh, we say sorry to Mommy." He sighed. You smiled at hearing them plan things out and continued to fake cry just because they were being little jerks for a moment but underneath there was a proud smile.

"Mama," you heard Someone's small voice say.

"What's the matter pumpkin?" You saw your boys with their heads hung low and frowns on their faces and you tried not to laugh at them.

"We sorry Mommy." Both of them started crying and it was the funniest thing ever.

"Come here guys," you opened your arms so that you could hug them both.

"You're ok guys, now just tell me who is who do we can get you guys in the tub." You smile.

"I'm Israel, that Zay." One of the boys says cuddling into you. You knew he was Israel too because he was the only one who liked to cuddle with you like that.

"Thank you boys. Now let's go get a bath so we can go eat ok?" You smiled. The two boys happily cheered excited to go out for dinner. Not only did you get the boys all sharp looking, but you had time to get yourself looking sharp as well. When Louis came to pick you guys up you were all ready to go and you didn't even have to rush anything. It was a great moment in time for you but you knew it probably wouldn't last long though.

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