#41: You give him the Silent treatment

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"Come on babe, it's been almost a week!" He said to you right as you walked in the door.

He put an embarrassing picture of you on Twitter and it got popular way too fast. Word somehow got around to you and you were pissed that basically his whole fanbase was making a joke out of you. And you were pissed at Louis for being the one responsible.

"[Y/N], how many times do I have to say I'm sorry to get you to forgive me?" He whined following you up the stairs. You still gave him no answer. You went in the bedroom and he gave you a minute to change out of your work clothes and you put on his favorite pair of shorts that he likes to see you wear, and a tank top just to get under his skin.

You went down the steps and sat on the couch turning on the TV. You purposely angled yourself on the couch for Louis to see when he got downstairs. You were honestly kind of over the whole thing, it was just more fun messing with Louis.

He sat down on the couch and pulled you on top of him laying back. He started kissing you and rubbing your back occasionally grabbing your ass since you had on "The shorts".

"Am I forgiven [Y/N]?" He chuckles.

"Louis is forgiven." You smile resting your head on him.


"[Y/N], guess what I brought home for you?" Liam chimes coming in the bedroom from work. He held a bag of chick-fil-a with your favorite chicken nuggets and waffle fries. You could smell it but you weren't just gonna forgive him like that.

You didn't say a word, you just laid there in front of the tv ignoring him. You were still mad at him for forgetting your anniversary last week.

"[Y/N], baby...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget babe." He apologized for the hundredth time. He came and laid beside you on the king sized bed and put an arm around you.

"Eat up [Y/N], I don't want your food to be cold." He smiled at you sweetly taking out a waffle fry trying to feed it to you. You sat there angrily pouting at him.

"Come on, you know you want it." He says hugging you at your waist with his free arm. You took the waffle fry in your mouth and went in the bag for another one.  

"I love you Liam." You smile straddling one leg into his lap.

"I love you too [Y/N]."


Niall had told the guys about your sex life and it was mainly embarrassing stuff that either he'd wished you did or things you don't do well enough. Plus it really hurt your feelings that he probably was pretending to like everything. So in return, you've been giving him the silent treatment and the most ferocious sex probation.

"[Y/N], please talk to me!" He said to you once again. You got up and left the room and went to the kitchen to fix yourself a sandwich. He pressed himself against you from behind and breathed against the back of your neck. He knew you loved that shit, but it wasn't gonna work on you no time soon. You left and went back to the living room to sit down and eat.

"Come on [Y/N], I need you so bad." He groaned. He sat next to you and rubbed your thigh.

"Leave me alone Niall." You said turning your body the other way. Tears ran down your face at remembering how embarrassed you were to hear what he told the guys.

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