#67: His child from a past relationship (Harry & Niall only) Part 2

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"Come here so I can start doing your hair Mac!" For as long as you've been with Niall you've been doing his son Malachi's hair.

Now that you two are married you do it frequently so that Malachi's hair isn't always in his face. Everyone found it odd that a two year old boy got his hair done in cornrows but you and Niall could care less.

"Noooo, no comb Titi." He whined. For some reason he always called you that for as long as he's been talking. Malachi had some of the thickest hair you have ever worked with. Especially for a little boy. His curls are tight and he's tender headed...it was going to be a wonderful time.

"It has to get done Malachi. Can you please come?" You ask him nicely. He shakes his head and you don't even bother trying to convince him.

"What's the matter is he not listening to you babe?" Niall asked.

"If he doesn't want his hair done it's ok, I'll do it tomorrow while he's asleep." You tell him. "I'm not gonna force nothin."

"We're going to a press meeting tomorrow. It's gonna have to be done."

"Shit...I mean, shoot I forgot about that." You sighed. You were concerned about how your own hair was looking as well as the baby's.

"Malachi, go sit down and let [Y/N] do your hair." He said being stern.

"Don't want to." He mumbled.

"Well you're going to. Titi has to do your hair, so go sit down now." You sat trying not to laugh at Niall 'being strict' with him. He started crying and rubbing his eyes and Niall didn't know what to say or do.

"It's ok, don't cry sweet heart come to [Y/N]." He always went to you when he got upset. "You have to listen to daddy ok? I have to do your hair so you can be handsome." You smiled.

"Ok, I sorry." He sniffled snuggling into you.

"Say you're sorry to your dad." He turned to Niall and apologized and let Niall hug him.

"Babe don't be afraid to get him if he acts up." He tells you.

"Niall, you've met my mother...you know I start to get like her when somebody acts up. I'm not trying to have you divorce me for gripping up Malachi." You laughed starting to gently brush through Malachi's curls.

"Well you have my permission to do so whenever he starts to act out." He laughs with you sitting on the couch beside you.

"So what's easier for you to take out around the time I have to re-do it?" You asked.

"The ones that are just going straight back. The technical ones take me too long." He laughed.

When you ran the rat tail end of the comb through the side of his head he immediately started to scream.

"That didn't hurt be quiet." You say to him making him shut right up.

"Malachi, if you be good while I do your hair I'll let you to get ice cream." You told him.

"Titi ice cream?" He asked excitedly and You nodded. "Only if you don't give me any problems and be a good boy."

"Ok." He sat there silently watching tv for the next hour while you did his head.

"I can't believe it took you an hour to do three big braids..." Niall yawned waking up from his nap.

"Shut up." You laughed. "I'm taking my time on his so that he won't have to get them done again for a while. Plus their best and shiny right?" Niall nodded.


"What's the matter Malachi?"

"Potty..." He whined.

"You have to go?"

"Yes..." He nodded making faces. You dropped everything and rushed him into the bathroom before he could
Mess up the carpets. You just got them cleaned.

"No, No, No you already started!" You laughed at least getting him in the bathroom.

"Sorry Titi..." He pouted.

"It's alright, it was an accident. You're not in trouble." You told him.

"Niall!" you yelled from the bathroom trying to hold back a snicker. "He didn't make it, I kind of need some help!" You heard him sighing heavily coming down the hall.

"Daddy mad?" He asked about to cry.

"No, he's not mad at you. You didn't mean to do it. Let's get your clothes changed so I can finish with your hair." You smiled.

"Malachi..." You heard Niall say.

"Niall honey...we are not going to treat this as a case of him acting up, we are going to treat this situation delicately. He's already embarrassed." You Say trying to calm him down.

"You're right." He nodded. "You ok buddy?"

"Yes."  He looked around trying not to make eye contact. You put him in the tub and gave him a quick wash with only the faucet running while Niall cleaned up the floor and put his clothes in the wash. After you cleaned him Niall went to change his clothes while you went and sat in the living room patiently waiting.

Soon he came back out and sat down and let you finish off his hair.

"All done?" He gasped smiling at you all hard.

"All done!" You say giving him a hug. "You were such a good boy for Titi!" You say kissing his cheek.

"I think he earned himself some ice cream [Y/N]." He winked at you.

"Yay!" He clapped hugging you.

"What kind of ice cream do you want Malachi?" Niall asked.

"Ummm...Chocolate!" He smiled following Niall into the kitchen. He came back and sat at his little blue table.

"His hair looks great [Y/N], thanks for doing it." He smiled kissing on you.

"Hey...Mac is still here, show me your appreciation later honey." You chuckled leaning into him.

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