#105: Your Break-up (Niall/Liam/Harry)

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You and Niall decided to take a night out at the club and anyone could look at you two and tell that Niall was having a better time than you. You gave up drinking a while back and it's not a habit you wanted to pick up all over again. Niall was piss drunk and you didn't know what to do other than mind your business and let the alcohol pass.

"[Y/N] baby, let's go dance." You felt Niall's hot breath creep down your neck and you wanted to vomit from the scent of his breath. He pulled you onto the dance floor and started to grind on you and you decided to grind back, pushing your butt on him.

You started to actually enjoy yourself for once.

"Mmm, you feel so good on me Celine." That made you pause for a minute.

"Excuse you? I'm [Y/N], what bitch are you talking about Niall?" You say grabbing him by his collar.

"Don't worry about it. All I can say is Celine has the body of a goddess." He said leaving you with your mouth slightly parted.

"So you've been cheating huh? Well you know what we're done." You say getting in his face. That immediately snapped him out of his drunken state.

"No baby, I didn't mean it, don't leave me! It was an honest mistake." He laughs nervously. You decided to give him a chance since he was extremely drunk at the moment and you didn't know for sure what to believe.

•••• 2 months later ••••

"Hey babe I'm going out with the guys." Niall says again. He's been going out a little too much in the past few weeks.

"Seriously Niall? That's literally every night this week!" You say standing up.

"Chill out babe, I never have time with the guys like I used to."

"Don't tell me to chill out because you a damn lie. Last night when you were supposedly 'out' with the guys I had Liam over and he said you haven't even hung out lately."

"Just because I say the guys it doesn't mean I meant my bandmates. I have other friends." He scoffs at you.

"Ok, I see your point. But I still feel like you hiding something. Let me find out what it is and I'm leaving your ass. I'm tired of my boyfriend acting shady with me without a reason." You say stomping up the steps. As soon as you got in your room the front door loudly slammed shut and you just sat wondering what you ever did to him.

A week later you came back from work to see someone else's car in the drive way. You assumed it was just one of Niall's other friends.

The minute you stepped into the house clothing was everywhere and you found a bra and panty set on the stairs and you knew you were right to think he was cheating when you heard him "mistakenly" call you Celine.

You weren't even mad though because you had a back up plan. You went upstairs and opened the bedroom door seeing light brown locks in Between Niall's fingers and he was pushing the locks down on him and you wanted to throw up.

"Heyyy Niall, having a fun time I see? Just let me remove this..." You say grabbing Celine by her hair.

"Get your clothes on bitch, and get out of here."

"Yes [Y/N]..." she says scattering her clothes. She even knew about him cheating so that gave you more of a reason to leave his ass.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" You yell as she runs down the steps. After a few moments of silence you finally heard the door shut.

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