#45: One of the guys doesn't like you Part 1

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Zayn Malik...That name really made you feel some kind of way. He was not at all supportive of your relationship with Louis. He gave you the dirtiest looks every time you would visit the studio and he often ignored you when you were always nice to him.

"Hey Zayn, have you seen Louis around?" You ask since he was the only one hanging around.

"[Y/N], shut up." He spat at you in a rude tone.

"Ok I'm sorry, I'll find one of the other guys and ask them..."

"Yeah, you do that." He scoffs.

"Zayn, how come you don't like me?" You ask him.

"Because you're just annoying and you're just a shadow to Louis. I don't see why he's with you." He says.

"Um...obviously because he loves me. I don't know what your deal is, but you don't have to be so mean to me. I try so hard to get you guys to like me and I always find myself being mistreated." You rant onto him.

"Well then stop trying. I never have liked you, and I don't want to try and like you. So leave me alone you're so annoying." He pushes past you.

You were truly flustered by the fact that Zayn had such a dislike for you. You just needed to get out of there, and not let anyone see how mad you were.

"Hey Babe." You look up and see Louis smiling all hard, happy to see you and you just put on a fake smile and hug him. His face drops when he sees the anger seething in your features.

"You alright? What's the matter?" He asks.

"Nothing I'm good." You storm away from him trying not to cry. You just didn't understand how someone that the world sees as sweet and kind, could be so evil to you. You did nothing to him.

"Hey [Y/N], slow down...." Louis follows after you.

"Louis I'm fine. I just need to go home and rest." You say rushing out to the car. You leave Louis at the door seeing the hurt look on his face and you just continue on home.


You've been with Liam for a while and you always hung out with him and his friends but most of the time you were pretty hesitant about it. All of the guys liked you except for that Harry guy...he despised you with a deep burning passion. You couldn't really understand why, but you always put it in the back of your mind. One day Liam had the guys over and all looked happy to see you but Harry. Shocker...

"Hey Harry, how are you today?" You ask him trying to be nice. You've held your tongue far too much with this dude. He just gave you a rude stare and continued on.

"Um Harry...I think [Y/N] is talking to you." Zayn pointed out not liking his attitude towards you.

"Oh really? What were you saying

"I asked you how you were doing..."

"Oh I'm good thanks." He storms off and goes with Liam and the other boys. You angrily stomped into the kitchen and surprisingly Zayn followed after you.

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