#113: BSM: You're adopted

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LOUIS (Age 17)

You've been living with the Tomlinson family since you were around 9 years old. You were a grateful as ever that they so willingly took you from that orphanage, if it were even a choice you would never look back.

You always did as you were told and you helped out around the house but the only person in that house that you weren't cool with was your "brother" Louis. He was always ignoring you for some reason and you told Johanna but she always told you not to stress it.

Well one day Louis came home from his tour and you were on the couch watching tv with your sisters while the twins were napping.

"Hey Fizzy, Lottie, Phoebe, and Daisy." He smiled giving them all hugs but you. It really made you feel some kind of way that he said nothing to you.

"Um...hey Louis."

"Hey." He said being short with you. You quickly hopped up and followed him to the kitchen.

"What have I done to you?" You ask putting your hands on your hips.

"[Y/N], w-what are you talking abou-"

"Don't play stupid with me, ever since this family adopted me in, everyone but you has been nice to me, and it makes me feel like shit that you don't like me!" You yelled in his face.

"[Y/N]...that's not tr-" once again you cut him off.

"I've had a hard life before coming to live here Louis. My father beat me every night before bed since I was 3 and my mother was always neglectful to me and she never addressed it. I get to the adoption agency, they treated me like shit also. I didn't come from a different house just to be treated with disrespect by another man Louis." You say close to tears.

"I-I get it, I don't quite fit in with this family but I just want you to like me. You're the only one who barely pays attention to me." You sniffle turning your back to him.

"Gosh, I'm sorry [Y/N]. Mom never liked to talk about where you came from before she adopted you, but I didn't know anything about that. I guess I just never knew what to talk about with you all these years. Also I'm away a lot working so that adds on. I never meant to make you feel like you're being ignored." He said feeling guilty.

"It's cool I guess." You say starting to calm down. "I just need to get out of my head and stop thinking my family is out to get me."

"No it's not cool. Everyone here loves you [Y/N]. You should never feel like we're out to get you. How about I take you out tomorrow and we can hang out for the day. Just us." He smiled.

"Just us?" He nodded and you began to smile.

"I'm sorry I went off on you. I guess I just kind of feel a little out of place in this family once in a while. I'm the only black person in the house, I mean come on." You say laughing with Louis.

"Hey, we don't see skin in this house. We love you no matter what [Y/N]. How about a hug? Come on you know you want to." He smiled opening his arms for you. You ran up and hugged him back glad that you guys could start to get along.

LIAM (Age 10)

"Hey M-M..." You just couldn't bring yourself to call this woman your mother. You were still new in the household, and it was gonna take a little bit of time.

"Mom!" Both you and Karen say together.

"Hey M-Mom?" You finally have the guts to say.

"Hey [Y/N] honey, what can I do for you?" She asks sweetly chopping the vegetables for dinner.

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