#68: BSM: He fights your boyfriend for breaking your heart (Liam)

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Liam was probably the toughest guy you knew of. He was strong, he was bold, and most of all he was very brave and he would stand up to anyone. He didn't care who you were, if anybody messed with someone he was close with he was so quick to get on them.

Although the rest of the world saw your brother as the big softie, but he's a whole different ball game behind closed doors. As his little sister he loved you more than any person could love somebody. You guys had the same Mom, but different dads, so your genetic make up was a little different. He was so excited when you were born, and he swore he would never let anyone hurt you. Ever. He always had your back, and with you, nothing got by him. One afternoon while Liam was home from tour, you stormed through the door taking your black self right up them steps. You didn't stop for nobody and Liam thought that was pretty suspect. You always greet your family when you come home.

Your Mom let out a stressful sigh, and whenever she did that you both knew that she was in no mood to go to war with y'all. Liam gave your mom a hopeful look and she smiles already knowing what was coming next.

"I'll handle her Mom."

"You sure Liam? I'll just talk to her later." She says. "She might want to be left alone right now."

"She needs me mom. She trusts her 'bubby'." Liam smiles thinking of the nickname you gave him when you were 3 years old. He went up the steps and knocked on your door and for a moment there was no answer.

"I'm not in the mood Mom." He heard you yell.

"[Y/N], it's Liam. Can I come in?"

"It's open." You yelled once again. He saw you laying down under your covers with your bonnet on over your Bantu knots and he slightly frowns.

"You ok? What's going on?" He asked shutting the door.

"I don't know if I should say anything. You might tell Mommy on me." You sniffled.

"Anything that is said in this room, stays in his room. Now talk." He said starting to get nervous. You licked your lips afraid to speak and you just stared at your older brother.

"[Y/N]...what the hell did you do?" He whispered. Liam did NOT play with your ass. If he knew something was up he wanted to hear about it.

"Ok...well...you know how Mommy said I'm not allowed to go to Ben's house?" You whispered.

"Who's Ben? Your boyfriend?" You nodded sort of embarrassed but Liam didn't say anything and signaled for you to continue.

"Well he invited me over, and...um..."

"[Y/N]...Are you having sex?" He asked looking disappointed in you.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO....I'm not trying to be on one of those teen mom shows Liam, I'm not that careless." You say making him smile.

"But anyway, when I did show up, he had another girl at his house. He only called us together so he could dump me." You say starting to tear up.

"Stop crying." He said being firm.

"W-What?" You say wiping your mascara stained face.

"I said stop crying. That idiot obviously never cared about you if he wants someone else rather than you. So listen to me when I say, never shed tears over someone who doesn't care." He told you. He was right, You needed to stop crying over Ben.

"I understand you may feel embarrassed because you know...if someone dumped me in front of their new boyfriend I would be too. I can totally understand that. But, my tip for you is to get revenge first, and cry later." He chuckled. "My shoulder will be here for you to cry on when it's all over."

He smiled towards you and opened up his loving, caring arms. "Come on, give your big brother a hug. You're not too old for hugs [Y/N]." You gladly hugged him back letting his huge biceps nearly suffocate you to death.

"Remember [Y/N], I didn't raise you to let men treat you wrong. I raised you to be strong, and I know your capable of putting your hands on someone." He chuckled.

Liam was right, he pretty much grew you up into who you are. Your Mom was always at work and your father never took interest in you, so Liam was the only one who took care of you. He even taught you everything you knew about defending yourself.

"So tell me more about this Ben...."

"Well he's handsome." You say nearly passing out. "He's a bit older than me...which is why I didn't want you to tell Mommy because she doesn't know." You admit.

"How old is he?" He asked folding his arms over his chest.

"He's uh...21." You say.

"Good Grief [Y/N], you're 17...what have you done with him? Has he touched you?"

"Liam I love you my brotha, but I'm not telling you all of that." You say giving him a careless grin.

"That's it lets go."

"Why?" You asked.

"I'm kicking his ass. I don't appreciate him being inappropriate with my 17 year old sister. He's a grown ass man he shouldn't be doing that. And if you're upset because of him, he definitely needs his ass kicked." He dragged you out to the car and forced the address to Ben's house out of you. He drove straight there and got out of the car.

You heard Liam banging on the door and thought about how he seriously did not care...he was up in Ben's face yelling and cursing him out. You saw Ben push Liam and that pissed you off. You saw Liam tackle him into the grass starting to throw endless punches at him.

You rolled down your window and cheered him on while the two fought. Eventually Ben stopped and Liam walked back to the car, not a scratch on him.

"And don't fucking contact my sister anymore, you got it?" Ben vigorously nodded and ran into his house.

"My gosh Liam, you're a G...you told him laughing. You seriously put Ben in his place." You smiled giving him a hug.

"So I guess you're gonna tell Mommy I've been sucking face with older men, huh?" You sigh rolling your eyes.

"This one I'll keep between us only because you didn't lie to me about anything, and because I handled it. Also you and I both know Mommy would go ballistic." He chuckled as his eyes widened.

"Yeah she would kill us both if she knew." You laughed. You and Liam had so many jokes about your Mom and you always messed with her.

"Ugh, Liam I love Mommy, but I'm trying to live to see tomorrow." You laughed. "Thanks though. I appreciate you not saying anything."

"You're my little sister, I got you. Remember that time I snuck out and you didn't tell on me?" He laughed remembering your Mom coming in the kitchen with her curlers, with her bonnet half on.

"That was so funny..." You giggled at the memory.

"Well you covered for me, so it's my job to cover for you too." He smiled.

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