#84: Valentine's Day (Liam)

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"Zie, Look at Daddy! Look over here pretty girl!!!" Liam was trying to get a picture of Zieyah by the shore line and all she did was briefly look at Liam and continue splashing around in the water. You laughed and kept an eye on her just to make sure she didn't get too far.

"Zieyah, look at Daddy!" You set her in your lap and smiled towards the camera.

"Aww look at my two beautiful ladies." He took the picture and you set her back down near the water.

Liam just wanted to spend Valentine's Day weekend with is girls, so he took you guys to an island that's off the Atlantic coast of Brazil. You stayed in a hotel nearby and they were close by the villages.

"Li it's so beautiful here, Thank you so much for bringing us." You smiled tugging Zieyah away from the water. She whined wanting to play in the water.

"Nope, I am not tryna lose my only baby to the ocean..." you chuckled setting her in the sand.

"Its nothing. I just wanted my girls to have a nice time. And for my big girl, it's about what goes on at night." He smirks.

"Oh gosh." You laugh slapping your hand over your forehead. "Li, one is good enough for now." You giggled brushing your hair from your face.

"You having fun Zie? Yeah?" Liam picks her up and she points to the water.

"Come on let's go play in water!" He takes her out to the moderately shallow part of the ocean and she squeals as he dips her in the cool water.

"I know, it's like a big bath tub, right?" He chuckled. You smiled watching him play with his little girl.

"He loves that baby..." You grinned mumbling to yourself, before taking a picture of the two of them.

You guys left the beach and changed and went out to eat a couple blocks from your hotel. He took you to a seafood place and the food was really good.

"I'm really impressed Li. I didn't think Brazil would have Chinese food this good." You giggled.

"I know. Everything is so nicely made. And it's tastes decent." He smiled feeding Zieyah a bottle.

"She's just like me, Loves to eat." You chuckled.

"She's extra hungry today, aren't we Zieyah?" He chuckles watching her eat as if it's the last thing she's ever going to have.

"It's alright baby girl, slow down your bottle is not gonna get empty that quick." He laughs.

"She's gonna sleep so good tonight." You giggled at her taking small breaths.

•••••••••••Later on that Night••••••••••

After the three of you went out to dinner, Liam put Zieyah to bed in the other room and it was just the two of you in your room.

"So, now that Zie is asleep, you wanna maybe..." He didn't finish his sentence and left you to guess.

"Maybe what?" You grinned wiggling your eyebrows at him. He pulled you on top of him and you leaned down to kiss him.

"It's all about you tonight baby." He said breathing in your ear. He went from point A to point B real quick. Before you even knew it your clothes were all over the floor, and Liam was already hovering over you about to make sure you enjoyed yourself.

"Yesss baby, make Mama feel extra good tonight..." You giggled wrapping your legs around his waist, roughly kissing him.

"I'm already on it." He chuckled kissing your neck. In a short few seconds you heard the baby start to cry and Liam let out a frustrated sigh.

"Every time. Every. Single. Time." He says kissing your head.

"It's alright Li, maybe tomorrow night." You laughed throwing a shirt on and getting up to get the baby.

"My goodness what's the matter with my baby?" You picked her up and cradled her in your arms pacing back and forth and all she did was scream more.

"Shhh, it's alright Zieyah. You have to be quiet though, other people are trying to sleep." You yawned rubbing on her back.

"Come on, let's go see what Daddy's doing." You giggled taking her into the room with you guys.

"Oh baby what's wrong?" He chuckled holding his arms out.

"She's just fussy. Right? Say 'I'm just fussin Dad'." You smiled kissing her cheek. You gave the baby to Liam and laid down next to him.

"Smh, you always want your daddy." You laughed turning over. She always does this thing where she likes to cuddle into Liam's chest.

"Because she's my baby girl." He smiled kissing her head.

"You had Daddy to yourself all day today." You laughed. "Your bedtime is my time with Daddy."

"Babe, she's fine. Like you said we can always try again tomorrow night." He said poking the babies nose.

"Alright tomorrow night it is then." You giggled turning back over to go to sleep.

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