#53: You get a pet (Harry)

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Harry has been wanting a cat in the house but you weren't so sure about it. Cats shed everywhere and they scratch up the furniture so it took a lot of thinking before you said yes. You didn't realize how adorable cats were until you went to the pet store.

"[Y/N], look at these chubby cats over here!" Harry laughed watching them.

You smiled not really understanding your husband's obsession with cats at all. As far as you knew he'd always been a cat person.

"Harry look at this grey one." You couldn't help but crack up at how the cat was all scrunched up in front of the glass staring at you. His big wondering eyes poured into yours and you just couldn't stop staring back. He was an adorable looking animal.

"Aww he's cute." Harry smiled hugging you. "You like this one?"

"Yeah, he's adorable." You chuckled tapping on the glass.

"What's his name?"

"Gemini." You answered.

"So you're positive this is the one you like?" He asks.

"I like him. Do you?" You ask.

"Yeah, he has a gorgeous coat." Harry says admiring the fur.

"Ok, I'm gonna go pay for him." Harry smiled seeing how you still haven't taken your eyes off the cat.

"Hey kitty, kitty. You're such a cute thing." You giggled tracing patterns into the plexiglass cage.

Gemini stretched towards you putting his paw on the glass.

"Yeah, you're a pretty kitty!" He meows at you making you instantly melt.

"Mmm...its funny how you didn't like cats up until now." Harry teased you making you jump.

"And I still don't like them." You lied.

"Really [Y/N]? You're kidding right?" He laughed pointing to the grey cat behind you.

"I'm willing to let Gemini slide, he's cool." You say crossing your arms over your chest.

"Whatever you say [Y/N]. We just need to sign some papers and we can take him home in like 10 minutes." He says dragging you away.

"Ugh, ok." You playfully sigh trying to act disappointed. You still loved that cat though.

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