#166: Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

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A/N: I'm just letting y'all know now, don't be alarmed. I changed my username. I didn't go anywhere. My new wattpad username name is:
@ XxCammmxX
The dental office just called you letting you know Harry would be out of surgery very soon so that you could pick him up. When you arrived, you sat in the waiting room impatiently tapping your foot on the carpeted floor and looked around trying to distract yourself from thinking about Harry.

"Ugh...I hope Harry's ok..." you whispered to yourself pulling out a magazine with you and your kids on the cover. You always loved looking at magazines that featured you, just to see what nonsense they wrote about you each time.

"Um...Mrs. Styles?"

"Yes? Yes, that's me..." you say looking up.

"Um...you might want to come back with me..."

"Is Harry ok?" You asked worried.

"Ehh...yeah...he's just a little confused I guess...come with me." She says holding the door open. You followed her to the back and into a room where Harry was sat in a dentist chair in tears.

"I said I wanna go home...where's my wife?" He whines rubbing his eyes like a toddler.

"Mr. Styles, [Y/N] is right here, see look!" Harry looked at you and held his arms out for you to hug him.

"I'm so sorry about him Dr. Fletcher...I hope I didn't cause too much trouble."

"No Mrs. Styles it's alright. It's the Anesthesia that's making him act like this." He explains.

"So what do I need to do to take care of him?" You sighed playing in Harry's hair.

"[Y/N], I'm hungry..." Harry whines cutting you off.

"Shhh, I know honey. Let me just talk to the dentist real quick ok?"

"Hurry, i'm hungry and I'm tired..."

"I know baby, I know."

"So... Dr. Fletcher is there anything specific I need to do to make sure he heals up well?"

"Yes absolutely. For starters, no solid foods for a while. I would recommend soft and mainly cold foods because it takes the tension off his stitches for a bit. Also, make sure you're switching out his Gauze pads for every once in a while. I'll give you some before you go, but when ever you change them, make sure he gargles salt water."

"Ok Got it..."

"Also try to make sure he's not too mobile. He needs to get some kind of rest." You nodded keeping mental notes of what the dentist was saying to you. After a few more minutes of specific instructions, you were able to take Harry home.


"What's the matter baby?"

"Can I have ice cream?" He whined.

"Yes Harry. What kind do you want?"

"Vanilla please." You pulled into a nearby McDonald's drive thru and ordered his ice cream so you could take him home.


"What's up?"

"This ice cream is good as fuckkkk..." he says making you laugh, when you looked the ice cream was smeared all over his face and you rolled your eyes knowing you'd have to clean him up when you got home.

"You're gonna have to change your clothes when we get in Harry."

"I don't want my clothes...."

"Ok...or don't. That's fine too." You pulled into the drive way and helped Harry out of the car. As soon as you stepped foot through the front door Harry stripped himself down to his boxers and curled up on the couch.

"[Y/N], I'm hungry. Can I have something to eat?" He asks.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Can you make your yams? With the sauce?"

"We don't have yams Harry...I could go buy some, but I don't wanna drag you out to the store, and I can't leave you here by yourself."

"I wouldn't mind going on a field trip..." he says throwing is clothes back on.

"Fine...come on." You sighed grabbing your car keys.

"Yayyyyy!" He yelled hugging you.

"Can you make me dirt dessert too?"

"Anything for you Harry."

"To the magic school bus!"

"You mean the car?"

"That's what I said, the magic school bus...."

"Uh...ok...let's just go to the store."

"Thanks [Y/N]..."

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